Sunday Lunch Surprises

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The sun streamed through the cream material of the curtains covering the main window of the bedroom. The sounds of cars driving through the street and the soft sound of chatter filtering through the small open window filled the room. Harry was snoring behind you, his lips parted slightly and his hair splayed out on the white cushion behind his head. He had an arm bent and situated behind his head, and his other was rested across his belly atop of the floral patterned duvet. You shuffled yourself, so you were resting on your side. Your cheek pressed onto his shoulder, and your nose nuzzled under his jawline. Your hand was placed on his chest, your fore finger drawing soft circles into his warm skin.

His nose scrunched, and his eyebrows furrowed together to create a small dip at the top of his nose. His eyes squinted open, with a yawn escaping his lips. "How are you awake at this time? It's so early!" He whined, his arm coming out from behind his head and flopping over his eyes. His cheeks filled with air before he blew it out in a sigh. "What is the time anyway?"

You giggled softly, pressing kisses the scruff underneath his jaw. The fuzz tickling at your lips. "It's 11 o'clock. In the morning, H. The lads are coming round for Sunday lunch today.. So we need to be up now. Sophia text me saying that her and Liam were coming through at around 12:30, and then Louis text me saying he was with the other 2, so... I'm not sure what time they'll be here" You giggled, as you placed a palm to the dip in his chest, just between his collarbone tattoos.

"Why did you agree to this lunch, babe? We could have a lovely lazy Sunday, but instead we have to stand at the cooker all day and make food" Harry pouted, as you hitched a leg over his hips and pushed yourself up. Your body now straddling his laying figure. "See... We could be in this very position, with no clothes on, and we'd have skin to skin contact. But no" He whined, as he placed his palms on your thighs coming from your sleep shorts. "You decided to make food. We could be making sweet and hot, and even passionate love... But you decided to make food. I feel neglected. Better still, my penis feels neglected" He stated, as his eyes looked at you.

"You're so moany in the morning. Get up, lazy bones" You giggled, as you felt his knees bend behind your back. "And, if I recall slightly, I remember you saying to the boys that you'd be the one cooking the vegetables because apparently I 'cook them too long and make them soft and mushy'" You smirked, as his face dropped into a frown.

"I hate you" He muttered, as he dug the heels of his palms into his eyes. "Get off me. You smell anyway. Go and shower stinky" He smirked, as you frowned at him, your lips pouting and your hands patting at his bare belly. "Don't touch me with your dirty hands, missy. Go and shower. Your smell is disgusting" He chuckled, as he took his hands from his eyes, so he could look at you. His chest rumbled as he let out a soft laugh, his eyes crinkling.

"I love you so much, Harold. I don't know where I would be without you" You stated sarcastically, as you rolled off of his body, and stood up from the bed. Your feet hitting against the soft carpet. "Don't think about joining me, yeah? Naughty boys don't get rewards, remember?" You grinned, as you grabbed a towel and waltzed into the bathroom.

"No, wait! I'm sorry! Baby, I'm sorry!" You heard him cry out, the sounds of the sheets rustling making you giggle. You could hear his feet running across the bedroom floor, his feet plodding down against the floorboards. "Baby, let me in! I'm sorry. I love you. You don't smell. I love your smell. It's sweet and flowery" He begged over the sound of his fist hitting the door.

"You hurt my feelings, Harry. I don't think I should let you in this shower with me, ya'know. I think I should just break up with you right now" You smirked, suppressing a giggle as you heard his fist knock harder against the door. The banging becoming louder and the door rattling on its hinges.

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