Meeting Him At The Airport After A Long Tour

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I've always known that having a girlfriend would be difficult. I knew we would not see each other as often as most people would see their boyfriends or girlfriends. I knew distance would come between us sometimes, but for (Y/N) and I, we made it work. It felt like we were with each other in person every time her soft voice was over the phone. I could hear her voice in my mind when I read her text messages and I could not wait to actually see her again. Even though we were apart much too often, it just made the time we did have together even more special. "You ready, mate?" Louis pats my back and smiles as he trails me off of the plane. I nod in response, my smile is so wide I'm sure my dimples are in clear view. As we make our way through the airport I make sure to smile and wave and say 'hello' to fans, even though I want nothing more than to run to (Y/N), I know I've got to be polite and I know a lot of people have been camped out waiting for me. "Hello, thank you, yes, hi! Haha, very nice. Hello!" I say quickly, faces blurring past me. "Harry!" I hear Niall's Irish twang and see him motioning me over. He's found (Y/N) and she was giving him a small hug. He gives me a wink and then turns away, going to greet his own family and friends. As soon as she sees me, her eyes fill with tears. She starts to cry as her arms wrap around me, pulling me close. I almost cry as well, but I don't. Much too many cameras and people watching, plus when I'm very happy I smile, I do not cry. "I..missed you so much," she manages, her eyes meeting mine. I kiss a tear from her cheek and smile, holding her in my arms. "I missed you, I missed you a hell of a lot," I reply honestly, my heart beating happily. Two months away from her was much too brutal, but like I said before...the time we had together was all the more special due to the copious time we spent apart.

Harry Styles Imagines and Preferences Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now