Merry Christmas Part Three

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"Now I have one just like Lux mummy look!" Darcy announced as she held her Elsa doll up in the air

"Yeah baby you can play with them when Auntie Lou looks after you cant you" you smiled looking on to your excited daughter  sitting in front of you

"What about this one Darce?" Harry picked up a small present close to his foot

"Oops I nearly missed that one" she giggled as she took the present out of Harrys hand

"I don't remember wrapping that one" you whispered to Harry as he settled down into his position next to you

"No I done that one" he smiled

"Oh yeah I can tell by the wrapping" you laughed at the sight of the attempt of the wrapping

"By the way she is ripping the paper off I can really tell she cares about how well the present is wrapped" you raised your eyebrows as kissed the tip of your nose "love you" he smiled

"It's a key?" Darcy questioned as she examined the key

"Oh what a great present that is wow baby your so lucky!" Harry exclaimed

"Yeah it's great thank you" she half heartedly smiled

"We can go and find out what the key unlocks if you like?" You asked Darcy as she placed the key next to her on the bed to continue opening her presents

"But what about these presents I haven't opened?" Harry reached out and placed Darcy on his lap

"Well how about you open them when Nanny gets here pretty girl?" He suggested while she concentrated on tracing his butterfly tattoo on his bare torso

"Then she can help me open them and so can auntie Gemma!" She smiled "Mummy you can help me as well because it's making me a bit tired" she nodded as she laid her head on Harrys chest

"Sounds like a good idea to me princess, you got your key?" You kissed her cheek as she picked up the key which was situated next to her on the bed

"C'mon then pretty girl lets go and find out what this key unlocks" Harry lifted Darcy off of his chest and the patters of her feet could be heard as she ran out of the door

"Hurry up daddy!" She jumped up and down in excitement while leaning on the door frame

"Yeah come on Harry get up" you placed a kiss to his lips in which he used the arm round your waist to hold you closer to him

"Daddy get off of mummy!" Darcy was quick to cover her eyes

"Sorry sorry we are coming" Harry chuckled as he held his hands up in surrender

*20 minutes later*

"We've checked all the doors and it doesn't fit any!" Darcy threw the key on the floor and crossed her arms in annoyance

"Hey hey don't get upset, we haven't tried this one?" Harry knelt beside her to pick up the key and pointed towards the door which lead to her playroom

"But why would I need a key to go in there"

"Why don't you just go and try it Darce? Daddy will help you" you suggested as Harry held out his hand for Darcy to take

She sighed "okay mummy"

Harry and Darcy made their way over to the door and you watched as Harry placed Darcy on his knees so she was the right height to insert the key

"That's it baby, twist the key in the lock and see if it opens" Harry instructed, Darcy twisted the key in the lock as the door opened

"It's all dark! I don't like the dark mummy you go in first to make sure there aren't any monsters!" Darcy clung to Harrys chest as you made your way over to them

"Okay baby" you chuckled as you stepped inside "Nope, no monsters in here Darcy why don't you come in with Daddy"

You turned to see Darcy and Harry slowly entering the room, Darcy clinging onto Harrys tracksuit bottoms as they walked

"Daddy turn the light on!" She whispered

"Okay pretty girl" you could see the grin on his face from the lighting barely coming through the window as he switched the light on revealing the room covered in Christmas decorations and a tree surrounded by what seemed to be hundreds of presents underneath

"SANTAS BEEN!" Darcy excitedly yelled as she ran over the presents and knelt beside them

"Look mummy Santa has been!" She turned to you and called you over

"Wow aren't you a lucky girl!" You smiled as you felt Harry wrap his arms round your waist as he approached you from behind

"And Rudolph ate the carrot we left! And Santa ate the cookies and drunk the milk!" She stood up and ran over to you both

"Can I open my presents?" She questioned

"Merry Christmas baby" Harry whispered against your neck as Darcy clung to your legs in a tight hug "pretty please?" She looked up at you as her green eyes glistened in the lights

"You better get started!" You smiled down at her as she ran over the Christmas tree

"Merry Christmas Harry"

*A/N let me know if you would like a part 4, hope you like this chapter :) *

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