Personal For Salma

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"Where are we going?" You ask as you follow Harry out of his mum's back garden and into the woods. Not that it really matters, though. Meeting Harry's family has gone exceptionally well, and spending quality time learning more about his life has left no doubt in your mind that you would follow him across the world and back again.

The sun was just beginning to set behind the trees and the temperature was growing cooler by the minute. Harry takes your hand in his and brings it to his lips, the warmth of his touch soothing on your chilled skin.

"Good things come to those who wait Salma" he murmurs teasingly as you two walk along, your playful scowl transforming into a grin when he trips over a tree root.

"Tell that to everyone who's waiting for you to get over your grey scale wannabe hipster Instagram aesthetic." You laugh

Harry laughs because he knows it's true, not that he'd ever admit it out loud. You think it's adorable how hard he tries to appear deeply mysterious and trendy but you know better. You've caught Harry crying while watching Grey's Anatomy when he thought you were sleeping, had to scramble to find his inhaler when he laughed too hard and lost his breath over a joke he made up, and held him when the pace of life became too fast for him to handle on his own. He's stuck on this notion that he has to be cool and suave, even though the reason everybody loves him is because he's completely the opposite.

He's a real human just like everyone else in the world, it's just that some people struggle to see that and always will

You walk together for a few more minutes, pausing every so often to steal a treasured kiss or point out colourful foliage. Neither or you feel the need to talk much, the comfortable silence instilling a deep-seated sense of happiness within you. Harry's guidance makes you feel safe and protected, his unconscious touches and warm embraces making you feel loved.

Right after you spot a clearing up ahead Harry halts in front of you, a coy smile lurking on his lips. "Do you trust me Salma?"

You eye him suspiciously, knowing full well how mischievous Harry can be at times. "That depends, am I going to wish I hadn't like last time I visited you on tour and I ended up being brought out on stage?"

"No," he snorts, "I promise I won't be doing that again. Close your eyes for me?"

You're still hesitant but you do as he asks, feeling slightly more at ease when he presses his lips to yours in reassurance. Squeezing his hand tightly, you stay close to Harry as you tread carefully across the soft grass, growing antsy until he comes to a stop.

"Not yet," he muses, sensing your impatience as he breaks away from you and rustles about for a moment. Harry wraps his arms around your waist and your breath quickens as he lays a lazy trail of unexpected kisses along your neck.

"Open your eyes, love."

Your lids slide open to reveal an extraordinarily beautiful sunset cast behind the old Twemlow Viaduct, the striking purple and yellow hues reflecting off of a winding stream. Harry's talked about how many times he's spent at this exact spot, and how much this place meant to him; how it was a part of him.

"I always thought that this would be my sanctuary, somewhere I could go off to get away from everything. To be on my own. Then I realized that this wasn't the sanctuary I'd always thought it was. You are."

Harry's cheeks are flushing pink, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he shakily lowers one knee to the ground. Your heart hammers in your chest as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small black box, tears falling onto your cheeks as he opens it.

"Will you marry me?"


Harry Styles Imagines and Preferences Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now