Proud Husband

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Harry slid the worn out and hole-y t-shirt over his head, covering his cold chest. It wasn't that the room was freezing cold, it was the fact he'd come from under the constraints of the duvet and your body into an environment which was a little cooler. His eyes scanned the dark room as he looked for a pair of pyjama bottoms, his feet shuffling along the floor in order to feel around for the soft material. He could hear the snuffled cries and whines coming from the hallway, baby cries soon filling the room as he panicked for a while. His head turned to look over at your sleeping figure, just a lump under the duvet in the visible light shuffling amongst the sheets to find another source of warmth.

He knew you were tired. He was home late the previous night, having to stay behind at the studio in order to finish off recording and writing. You understood that he needed to stay behind, but having a crying baby keeping you up was difficult. He wanted to come home, back to you and his little girl to have a snuggle and a film night with pizza and wine. Instead he was in a studio. A stuffy, hot and boring studio filled with writers and recording crew. You insisted he stayed to complete his work, even with his constant whining about staying later.

He figured that taking the night routine would be enough to make up for it. He knew you were grateful for that. He'd taken the day off the following day, in order to take some of the pressure away from you. The boys understood, the recording crew understood and he promised them he'd still keep his mind set somewhere upon continuing the newest song they were writing.

He felt the atmosphere change as he moved from the bedroom to the chilly hallway. His bare arms becoming exposed to the chills, creating goosebumps to rise up on his arms. His hairs standing on end. The cries were getting louder the closer he got to the room, and he could feel his heart aching. His chest was tightening as his hand curled around the handle of the door, pushing the slightly ajar door open further. The pink nursery came into view, with the white nightlight in the corner of the room being the source of light so he could see where he was going. The blinds were pulled down, and the barely inaudible mobile hanging above the cot was playing soft music to lull his baby girl to sleep.

"Hello, my little one. How's daddy's favourite girl?" Harry wondered, as he leant over the cot, her cries loud and squealing. "Hey, hey. Come on, darling. Stop all this crying, hm. Daddy's got you, Darcy" He whispered, as he placed his hands at either side of her body. He shifted her weight onto his chest, with a hand placed beneath her bottom, his other resting on her back. "Oh, baby. Is someone a little grumpy?" Harry chuckled softly, as he moved over to the rocking chair beside the blind-covered window. His back cracked as he hunched over to sit down, a whine and a hiss leaving his lips. This only made Darcy cry more, and he felt like he didn't know what to do.

"Darcy, hey, it's okay" Harry whispered, as he ran his thumb over her back. The onesie she had on her body was soft beneath the pad of his thumb, and the fleece was beginning to loose its tightness from where she'd worn it so much. It was a gift from Louis when she was born 3 weeks back, something he'd brought in the day following your labour. "Darcy, baby. Please" He whispered, a slight beg in his tone. "Daddy loves you, little one. So much. And mummy loves you too" He carried on, her cries lessening softly. "Your mummy made me so proud when she brought you into the world. We've had you for 3 weeks now, and we couldn't have even asked for anything different. You," he whispered, as he tapped at Darcy's button nose softly, "you are my precious baby girl, and you're stuck with me as your daddy for life" He chuckled, as Darcy's cries lessened, the room falling silent.

That's the noise he liked. When he could heard her jagged breaths and his breath melding together.

"Good girl, poppet. That's good, hmm? You just wanted some cuddles with daddy, didn't you?" Harry grinned, as her face nuzzled into his neck. The side of her head tucked underneath his jaw. He could feel her breathing against his neck, her warm breath giving him a sense of warmth inside. "You smell delightful, poppet. I could just eat you up" He chuckled, his chest rumbling as he let out soft puffs through his nose.

Harry Styles Imagines and Preferences Book TwoΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα