"Ok Tre, but I'm not getting in the water. You know black people cant get there hair wet." She said

"lol, that's ok mom. We got a surprise we want to tell y'all." I said

"Ok baby, but I ran into someone the other day." She said

"Who was it." I said curious to know

"You and Lauren father." She said

My whole face expression change. I can't stand that man. I promise myself if I was to see him again I would give him a ass whopping for beating on my mom.

"O." I said not wanting to talk about him

"Well baby, I'll see u later I'm fixing to let Lauren know." She said

"K." I said

Man she just must up my day. Bringing up his dead beat ass. I swear I will kill that man if I was to see him. I can still remember all the times when he use to beat my mom. Thats why I'm so over protective of Lauren. He never did try to put his hands on us tho. But still he put his hands on my mom. And I ain't like that shit. That's why I promise myself that I will never put my hands on a female, because of what my father did. But I'm not gone let him stop my day. I'm fixing to get ready and hang with Bae and the fam.

Megan pov
I don't even much know why they want to go swimming but I guess I'll go. 6 months pregnant ain't no joke. I look like a fat ass big. Like I be crying cuz I'm so fat. I be thinking Marcus don't like me any more and want him a new boo. But I was at Marcus house now.

"Megan why is u crying." He said walking towards me

Dam man I didn't even much no I was crying. These damn hormones got me fuck up. Like one mim I be mad, sad, horny, crying. Hell any thing u can think of.

"I didn't realize I was crying Marcus. I think that u don't like me anymore cuz I look like a big ass pig." I said wiping my tears

"Man chill out with all that baby. I will always like and love you." He said kissing me

"Ok." I said in between kisses

"Now let's go swimming." He said grabbing my hand

"Marcus, I'm not getting in no damn pool. I'll just watch." I said

"Nahh, that's what u think." He said

"Nigga, if u put me in that water we gone fight." I said with a serious ass face

He started laughing but I was for real.

"Well we just gone fight then." He said chucking

"Ight, I'm gone beat your ass." I said laughing

"We will just have to see about that." He said smacking my ass

"Ouhh, that shit hurted." I said rubbing my booty

"It didn't hurt that bad if u can take the d." He said laughing

"Anyways lets go." I said rolling my eyes at his nasty ass

Marcus and I walk outside. We then got in his car and he drove off.

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