Chapter Four~ 6th grade and things I forgot

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Chapter Four

We decided to move to Delaware that summer. So the company that hired my dad had a storage and hotel fees covered. So our stuff was in storage while we lived in the hotel. It was a one room two beds. I shared a bed with my mom. We also had a dog at the time, so you can imagine how cramped we were. I was excited, but sad at the same time. My mom was manic. She was up most the time bugging the hotel staff. Talking to anyone she could. And I remember we got in a bad fight, and she refused to talk to me. She went a day I think. She really wouldn't talk to me. I can't remember the fight honestly. But I was really upset.

Anyway I had to start sixth grade. Alone, and it was scary. But overall living in Delaware wasn't bad. My mom didn't really do stairs so I had the second floor to myself. I could get away from her.

But I remember a really scary night

My mom was calling me and as usual I didn't respond. She was saying dad wouldn't wake up. See my dad had gotten neck surgery and he was at home for a long time. I told her to splash water on him. She was flipping out saying how he wasn't responding to anything he just dropped his jug(he used for drinking) and fell back on the bed. So I went downstairs and tried to wake him up we did everything. My mom called 911. They came in and took my dad to the hospital. We rushed there my mom almost got us killed in the process. She about wrecked three times. I was crying because I couldn't live without him. I really thought I was gonna lose him..

We got there and he was stable. They had him hooked up to a bunch of things. He had trouble breathing from the surgery, but thanks the heavens he was fine. He still says to this day he would've been fine without being taken to the hospital. I think he was wrong, but we won't know.

~•~•~•~ things I remember~•~•~

I forgot a few things that I figured I should mention...

When I was a baby a new born I was in the hospital. I was allergic to the formula and I wouldn't drink it, my mom wouldn't even breast feed me. Her child could die if I didn't drink it and she still didn't care. >.< that's something I can't get over my dad told me recently about this.

When we lived in North Carolina and she was manic. She use to fall a lot and she is a heavy set woman. She couldn't get up on her own. I remember her yelling at me to help her up and I wasn't strong enough. So you know what she would do? Call the fire department. No not once! Not twice! More than five times. Can you imagine how embarrassing it is to open the door and show them where my mom was? One time she was naked she fell out of bed. I had to help her put clothes on before they came. It was horrid.

She always had this idea to throw a party, to get to meet people. I knew no one would come. Everyone who met her hated her, plus I doubted people would show up. But when she's like that any idea is amazing. She got so excited and shed yell when I tell her it's a bad idea. I think my dad ended up talking her out of it most the time.

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