Chapter Three~ Elementary School

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•Chapter Three~ Elementary School•

I started really understanding my mothers disease in 3rd grade. She was always home, always making me do things for her. She'd talk bad about me and my dad to my grandmother. According to her I was a brat.

I remember we would call each other names. I'd throw things at her, she'd hit me. And I'd end up crying running upstairs. One time she told me she was gonna give me to foster care. She didn't want me. But I knew that my dad would never let that happen. She called me fat, and ugly, and stupid, lazy. I'd call it right back to her. And she'd apologize and just do it again.

One time we got in such a bad fight I went upstairs and I drank expo cleaner. I got so scared. But I didn't tell anyone.. Until a few days after. I told my mom. And she didn't really say anything. She didn't hug me, she didn't do anything.

One time I was in class and went home to find no one was there. So I called my dad and he had taken her to the hospital. The next day my teacher told me she forgot to tell me. Everyone asked why she was there. I ignored it.

A year later, I got the highest English testing scores in my school in fourth grade. My dad was so proud and bragging to people at work. My mom didn't care. She didn't congratulate me. Say she was proud. In fact she just continued to tell my grandma how horrible I was.

She would always threaten me. She'd tell dad. She'd take my Christmas present back. She wouldn't let me go over to someone's house.. Anything she'd try to take away, unless I did every little thing her heart desires.

She decided to go to a hospital again. She had been to everyone near by and they still couldn't get her medication right so we decided to take her to chapel hill. A really good hospital a few hours away. So we did. And my dad and I drove back home. Over halfway there we get a call from my mom saying how she want us to pick her up she can't stay there. She refused to share a room on the floor of people with Alzheimer's. So we turned back and we met in a room. Where a few nurses came in and told her they could get her a room to herself. She didn't care. I begged them not to let her leave, she needed to get help. I even cried as we walked out. Taking her home.

Then we moved when I was in fifth grade. I still went to the same school. But things changed. I cleaned more. And my mom would say how much she cleaned and I helped a little. When all she did was watch and criticize. I learned to say no. I didn't do what she wanted anymore in fact I hardly did. And she got mad a lot more.

One of the scariest things that has ever happened to me happened in fifth grade. My dad was in Delaware interviewing I think for a job. My mom and I were planning on going with her and my dads friends to Virginia. Where my dad would pick us up. I was getting up early and my mother was manic. She was in the living room, and she was talking weird. I noticed she had blue foam at the mouth, from not completely swallowing a pill. She was on the ground and couldn't get up. So I called my dad and I was trying to figure out what to do. He told me to call one of my moms friends who at the time lived by. But my mom was asking who I was talking to, I said daddy. And she was like let me talk. But I ignored it and went in a different room. I came back and she was talking nonsense to no one. So I ask who she was talking to. She said I'm on the phone with your dad. I was like mom you're not on the phone you don't even have anything in you're hand. But she told me to shush and kept talking. My moms friend terry called 911 after I got off the phone with her, and she came over. They paramedics came in and asked me a lot of questions I tried answering. I had to tell our friends we couldn't go to Virginia. And my mom was sent to the hospital. She stayed there for days, and terry stayed with me. Somehow I had gotten $400 or $500 to deposit for my dad I think. But I counted it on the phone to my dad and Terry was gonna take me to put it away. So I hid it. We got to the bank next morning and I was $200 short. I later found out Terry stole it, I saw it in her purse. We trusted her and she stole from us. My mom got out the hospital and my dad came back down. While my mom was at the hospital someone called social services on us. And they were coming for a home interview. My moms friend, the one we were suppose to go to Virginia with came over. She was cleaning our house while my mom sat on her ass. Shocker right? Her friend couldn't believe she would just sit there while her child might get taken away. That friend turned out to be my Godmom recently.. But they came and they decided nothing was wrong.... Then we moved to Delaware.

•thank you for reading I know it needs editing but I am working on please vote, comment, fan! •

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