I folded my mat and went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. I heard Inayah moaning in the other room and I walked in to see her sprawled across the floor clasping her foot. I relcutantly went to help her and soothed her until she fell asleep. I turned off the lights and went back to making tea, but all the while she was in my mind. She looked at peace when she was asleep and her soft small hands fit perfectly in my big ones.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I accidently dropped the teaspoon. I ignored it and went to the sitting room to drink my tea and then sleep.

But I couldn't sleep. I was wide awake and kept having stupid flashbacks.

I was driving Amina to the shopping mall with her friend Lola and her boyfriend, Jordan. It was a sunny day and we decided to all have ice cream. I payed and then we went inside to shop. I had secretly bought Amina a diamond ring and a beautiful hot pink dress for the Year Prom. Of course it was modest and covered but it was just stunning. Whenever she would look at dresses and wanted to buy it I tried changing her mind and at the end of the day she hadn't bought anything. She was very upset. Lola had bought a navy blue dress with silver gems across the chest and border and a diamond belt just above her waist. It was nice too.

Once I had dropped Jordan and Lola to their homes and Amina and I finally came home too she burst into tears. We only had three days until the Prom and she thought she had nothing to wear. I couldn't see her crying anymore so I handed her the bag containing my chosen dress.

She looked at it intently for like 5 minutes and then stared at me for another 5 minutes. She started sniffling and I was afraid she didn't like it but then she hugged me so hard and kept saying that it was the best dress she had ever seen.

I was elated and took her out for dinner at a chinese restaurant. We ate until we couldn't eat anymore.

We came home and fell fast asleep but not with each other as it wouldn't have been right as we weren't married yet.

With the flashback in my head I finally dozed off too.


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Is Hamdan getting closer to Inayah?

Amina and Hamdan were a match made in heaven. Right?

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