Chapter 80: Chris' House

Start from the beginning

"Awe c'mmon..." I hear his footsteps coming towards me and I shudder even more, "It's not like I'm completely naked, right?"

"Th-That's true... B-But!"

I then feel his hands gripping my wrists as he makes me take my hands away. So, I close my eyes instead as my hands are taken away from my face. "C'mmon... Don't be a baby and look at me!" I can picture him with a devious smirk curved on his lips even though I have my eyes closed tightly.

"I-I don't want to!" I yell in a faint voice.

"If you don't open your eyes before the count of three, I'll kiss you on the lips~!"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"You wanna bet?"

I click my tongue at him and he starts counting from one. But before he could even say three, I scream, "FINE!!!" and I open my eyes to see him inches apart from my face.

"Now that wasn't hard right?" Chris says as he back away from me and I'm looking down in embarrassment.

"How unpleasant..."

"Are my clothes too big for you?" he suddenly asks.

"Of course they are!" I spat, "And why'd you lend me your boxer shorts?!"

The clothes that Chris lent me were his own plain t-shirt and a pair of boxer shorts. Maybe if I was his wife or girlfriend it'd feel normal, but I'm only his friend! So it feels weird!

"Because they'd look like normal shorts on you?"

Well, he did have a point. But I couldn't help but glare at him, "These were washed, right?"

"Wh-?! Did you expect me to let a girl to wear dirty clothes?!" he was angry. Oops!

"N-No! I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to offend you..." I apologize sadly, "But why your clothes?"

"It's okay... And nobody's home, it's just the two of us. So, I couldn't borrow my aunt's clothes without her permission."

"Oh..." Wait! Just the two of us?!!

"Yeah... So, I'll be taking my bath now, okay?"

"S-Sure... Go ahead..." I answer and he soon leaves the room.

I was still stuck to the wall, when suddenly the door bursts open again and he pops out saying, "Don't go through my stuff, alright?"

"I'm not a busy-body!" I retort.

"I know..." he laughs, "Just saying. And you can sit anywhere you're comfortable with."

"Okay. Thank you..."

"I'm off then~!" he says before closing the door and I scan the room to find something interesting to keep myself from being bored.

[Chris' P.O.V.]


Seeing Jade in my clothes. I don't know why, but I felt immensely happy. It's every guys' dream to see their girlfriends in their own clothes! But too bad Jade's not my girlfriend... If Stacy saw this, it would cause another problem.

Seeing Jade get all flustered just seeing me in a towel was priceless too! I just love teasing her! She really is an innocent girl even up till now. She deserves someone who can treasure her and not give her pain.

If I remember correctly, she had her heart broken for the first time back in our first year of college by some stupid ass guy who didn't take her too seriously. Oh how mad that made me! I just wanted to search the guy up on the internet and bad mouth him! But, I had to calm myself down and explain things to myself that there was nothing going on between me and Jade. So I had to pull myself together.

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