Trust Issues (Chapter 35 Part IV)

Start from the beginning

"She can't be telling the truth." Jerome finally spoke up as he shook his head. "Because she ain't that dumb to think she could lie to me for years and think she'd get away with it. You a hoe but I know you ain't stupid." He added as he tried to remove me from his lap.

"Jerome, don't." I said tightening my grip on him. "Baby, look at me." I said grabbing his chin and forcing him to look at me. "She's not worth it. Think about your degree, your future career, and your family. Don't let her ruin all the good things you have going for your life." I told him. He was silent for a moment before he pushed me off of him. I hit the ground and landed on my side.

I winced as I tried to pick myself up from the ground. I needed to remind myself to slap the hell out of Jerome later, for pushing me down. I was already sore, so the impact from hitting the ground was much worse. These sore legs wouldn't let me be great. But before I could even get off the ground, Jerome had Aireka against the wall in a choke hold.

"Aw hell." I mumbled to myself as I got up from the ground. Aireka's legs were dangling as Jerome held her up against the wall by her throat. She was clawing at his hands and making noises as she tried to get Jerome off of her. He was saying things into her ear that I couldn't hear. Whatever he was saying must've been bad because it showed all on her face.

"Jerome stop it!" I yelled as I grabbed his arm to try and pull him away from her. His strong ass wasn't budging and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't pull him away. "Can y'all help me! Do something!" I yelled. Jeremy and Imani were arguing and yelling, Ms. Jocelyn was on the ground crying hysterically, and Justycee was sitting back, watching the show.

"Help me! Do you want your brother to go to jail?" I asked Justycee.

"She's not stupid enough to go to the police." She shrugged. I huffed before turning back to Jerome and Aireka. He was still choking this girl out and she honestly didn't have much longer before he snapped and killed her ass.

"Baby please stop." I pleaded with him as I wrapped my arms around his torso and tried pulling him away.

"Move!" He barked as he tried shaking me off of him. Why and how did I get stuck with this crazy ass nigga?

I held on to him tighter and rested my face on his back. "Baby, I know you're upset and you have a right to be but this isn't the way to deal with it." I mumbled in his ear. "I don't want you to go to jail babe. Please stop, I love you and I don't want you to leave me." I told him as I began rubbing his chest. He huffed loudly before finally releasing Aireka and then flinging her limp body to the ground.

When she wasn't gasping for air, I realized she was unconscious. "Jerome, what did you do." I mumbled to myself as I ran over to her body. Before I could get there, he sent a swift kick to her head before he began stomping her out. I used all of my strength and pushed him away from her body. "Jerome stop it! You already killed her! You're going to jail." I cried.

Before allowing myself to fully panic, I went and checked her pulse and to see if she was still breathing. She had a pulse but it was very faint and her breathing was shallow. "Call a damn ambulance!" I yelled.

"We can't, we have to take her or else Jerome is gonna go to jail." Ms. Jocelyn said. "If they get here and see her like this, they're gonna want to know what happened!"

"She's gonna die before we can get her there! We have to ca-"

"Do CPR while I get the car." She said before running off. Immediately, I began performing CPR on her. I was just praying to God this girl didn't have herpes.

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