Chapter 16

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Alisa yawned as they made it to Alphys' lab. She was glad the Royal guard leader wasn't trying to kill them anymore. Apparently saving someone from overheating in a large metal armor really did it. Though, Frisk had accidentally burned down the fish woman's house while the two were cooking. Yeah, Frisk and Undyne had both gotten a mouthful about being careful in the kitchen after that. Alisa felt like a mother instead of a sister to Frisk sometimes.

She had dropped off Frisk at Alphys', where the girl was going to stay the night before going through Hotland towards the castle tomorrow. Alphys had a container for the soul already so Alisa made a quick trip with the river person to her house and back so the soul would be secured better than before.

The girl had gone back to her house, promising to watch Frisk go through Hotland on the computers with Alphys the next day before her date. She was still a bit nervous about it. Alisa had never gone on a date. Sure, she hung out with the skeleton alone before but this was their first official date together and her first official date period. Alisa hoped it went right.

_the next day_

Alisa and Alphys watched Frisk head through Hotland, defending herself against Mettaton. Alisa had to leave in a few minutes to start getting ready for her date. Hopefully, it would go alright.

Alisa called Frisk just before she went into the core. "Hey Frisk. How about you stop after your fight with Mettaton and come back? It will only take half a day to get through the capital and personally, I wanna see you before you leave." She said into the phone and Frisk nodded. Alisa was loving these cameras.

"Okay Sis! See you tonight?" Frisk asked and Alisa nodded to herself.

"Yep! Be good and don't get hurt! Bye!" She said before ending the call. Alisa said goodbye to Alphys before leaving the lab. She had about an hour to get ready for her date and she needed to at least change clothes. Though she knew Sans didn't care what she wore, Alisa knew that a tank top and sweatpants probably weren't appropriate.

Alisa arrived at her house and quickly took a shower. She dried her hair in the bathroom before putting on her gift from Frisk, a light blue sweater dress. The sleeves stopped at her shoulders and the dress itself ended half way to her knees. She pulled on a pair of black tights underneath and put on some mascara and eyeliner. Alisa didn't wear makeup often but thought it actually looked nice with her dress. Lastly, Alisa pulled on a pair of black fuzzy boots that stopped at her ankles and grabbed a small blue purse and put her phone and her wallet in it. She also had a light black jacket that stopped just below her chest and the sleeves went to her wrist. Next was her hair. Alisa decided to pull her hair into a high ponytail. She had also put in silver skeleton earrings that she had gotten a few years back.

"Babe? You ready?" Sans called from downstairs and Alisa smiled happily as she walked out of her room and downstairs.

"Ready Sans!" She told him as he looked up at her. His eye sockets widen as a bright blue blush spread across his face. He was dressed in his normal clothes but they looked cleaner than normal.

"Wow Babe, you look gorgeous." He commented and Alisa blushed slightly as she stood before him.

"Thanks Sansy. So, are you going to tell me where we're going now?" She questioned her mate and he grinned and grabbed her hand.

"You'll see in a second. By the way, did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? He was lucky it was a soft drink." He joked and Alisa laughed, Sans joining in.

"I'd tell you a chemistry joke Sans, but I don't think I'll get a reaction." She joked back and they both laughed. Sans let go of Alisa's hand only to wrap his arms around her waist.

"I relish the fact that you mustard the strength to ketchup to me in puns but if we keep up, I'll won't be able to hold back on your pun loving mouth." He told her and he pressed his forehead against hers. Alisa smiled up at him before placing a soft kiss to his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Fine then. Let's go." She answered as Sans teleported out of her house.

They arrived in the wishing cavern and Alisa looked around in awe. She had only been here once before and it was breathtaking. Sans led her over to a small picnic off to the side and sat her down.

Alisa noticed that Sans had gotten a bunch of her favorite fruit, strawberries, and placed them in a big bowl in the middle of the blanket. She looked at him questionably as Sans smirked at her before taking a strawberry between his teeth and kissing her. She gasped slightly as Sans bit down on his side of the strawberry before pulling away. Alisa chewed on her side before smiling.

"Sans, your so sweet." She said as she leaned on him. Alisa kissed his cheek before eating another strawberry. He looked down at her and grinned before wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I've been reading a book on anti-gravity lately, it's impossible to put down!" She joked and they both laughed. Sans nuzzled her neck, making Alisa giggle slightly as he tickled her.

"You are certainly the one for me Babe. I bone you." He told her as Alisa looked at him.

"Same here Sansy. I bone you too." She said back as they cuddled and told jokes until the bowl of strawberries was empty.

_time skip_

"It's not like the man didn't know how to juggle, he just didn't have the balls for it!" Alisa joked and Sans chuckled slightly before smirking at her.

"Doing dirty jokes now are we? You really trying to get me to jump your bones huh?" He asked her and Alisa blushed and smirked at him seductively.

"Maybe I want another skeleton inside of me." She shot back and Sans pressed his teeth against her lips. He gripped her butt slightly, making Alisa moan into the kiss.

They were cut off, however, by Alisa's phone ringing. She groaned as she answered it while Sans held her close and licked and bit at her neck.

"Hello?" She asked, leaning her head slightly to give the skeleton more access.

"Hey sis! Sorry to call since you're probably on your date but I ended up helping get Undyne and Alphys together and since it's so late can I stay the night again at Alphy's house?" Frisk asked through the phone and Alisa bit back a moan as Sans found a certain spot on her neck, that he instantly started sucking on.

"S-sure thing Frisk. Just be sure to call me tomorrow before you leave to fight the king. I-i gotta go now. Sans, stop! I-I'm on the phone!" She told off the skeleton who only grinned at her before traveling lower, licking and biting the whole way.

"Thanks Sis! I'll see you tomorrow! Bye!" Frisk said before hanging up quickly as Alisa scowled at Sans.

"Sans! I was on the phone with Frisk!" She told him off as the skeleton laid his head on her chest and looked up at her.

"I can't help that I love you so much babe." He said back and Alisa smiled before placing a small kiss on his head.

"Well, I can't stay mad at you can I? Let's clean up and head to my house shall we? I may give you a reward for this wonderful date." She said seductively and Sans gulped and nodded. She laughed as he hurriedly picked up the tiny strawberry picnic before teleporting to her house, dropping the stuff on her couch, before teleporting them to her room. Alisa had never seen the skeleton move so face before in her life.

"Well then, I better text Paps and tell him I'm not going to be home anytime soon huh babe?" He asked as he quickly sent the text before tackling her onto her bed and kissing her roughly.

Alisa happily complied with the kiss. She loved this skeleton and was glad he was her mate.

_end of chapter_

Pika: Frisk the cock block to the rescue! XD So, only a few chapters left. Bet chu guys wonder what will happen huh? Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll can't tell chu! Chow for now my lovely Pika Pals! Stay Shocking! Pika!

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