Chapter 3

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Alisa groaned slightly as there was a knock on her door. She looked at her phone to check the time. 11:43 a.m. "Who is it? Certainly not the kids." She groaned as she crawled out of bed.

Heading downstairs, Alisa yawned and stretched. She opened the door while rubbing her eyes. "Hey?" She said tiredly as she looked up. Her eyes widen as she almost screamed. The skeleton from yesterday! What the hell is he doing here?!

"Sup." He said as Alisa quickly shut the door and slid down it.

"Damn it all to hell! How the hell did he find me?!" She whispered to herself. Luna and Shadow looked at their master in alarm as they came out of her room, looking to see where she had gone.

Alisa looked at the two canines. "Luna, Shadow, I need you two to go through the back and see if you can distract the skeleton at the door." She told them. They both nodded and headed to the back door.

_with Sans_

He chuckled slightly as the door slammed on him. "Should've expected that." He told himself and sighed. Sans really wanted to meet the girl and searched most of the night for her house. He had finally found it around midnight and decided to visit in the morning, bad idea apparently, judging by her reaction.

Two growls came from behind him and he turned to see her huskies, their teeth showing as they snarled at him. Sans held up his hands. "Whoa there you two. I'm not here to hurt the girl ok? I just wanted to get to know her. I don't even capture humans. That's more of my little brother's thing (Sans is older). So just chill you two." He told them. The dogs looked at each other and seemed to be talking. Finally, the one with darker colored fur (Shadow) left to somewhere behind the house while the lighter furred one (Luna) stayed and watched Sans.

_back to Alisa_

Shadow came up to his master, who was still sitting in front of the door, and nudged her. She looked at the dog curiously. "What is it? Where's Luna?" She asked him. The dog told her what Sans had said and that Luna was watching him.

"So he's good? You guys smelled if he was lying or not?" She asked. Shadow nodded and Alisa sighed. "Guess I should let him in huh?" Again Shadow nodded.

Alisa sighed and got up. She slowly opened the door and looked at the skeleton and her other companion, who had him against the wall.

"Luna! Heel!" She told the dog. Luna sat down and stopped snarling at him as Sans looked at the girl.

"Um. Sorry about that. Shadow told me you wanted to talk and um not capture me so... I guess you can come in." She said so quietly, he barely caught it. He nodded and she opened the door enough to let him and Luna inside. The dogs went and laid beside the couch as Alisa closed the door behind them.

Sans looked around the small house and whistled. "Nice house you have here." He told her. It was two story like his own. Across from the door was a kitchen, though with a lot shorter sink. The living room had a large couch and a purple circle rug underneath it, the actually carpet being blue. Beside her couch, which was purple, was a small coffee table with a few books on it, along with a lamp. Beside her stairs were a door that led outside. Upstairs he could see three doors. One of which was most likely her room.

"Thanks. Uh, I'll make some tea." Alisa said as she rushed into the kitchen. She really wasn't good around people she didn't know. It made her jumpy and really nervous, totally opposite of her usual self.

"Ok." He said and followed into the kitchen before sitting at her table. Alisa put water into her kettle before setting it on her stove. Once she turned it on, she sighed to herself.

Turning around, she jumped to see him sitting there, watching her. "So... I guess we should tell each other names huh? I'm Alisa." She said. She couldn't remember the last time she was this nervous.

Sans nodded and held out his hand, whoopie cushion hidden from sight. "I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton. But you can call me Sans." He said. Alisa nodded and took his hand to shake it, only to hear a loud farting noise. Sans grin widen as he watched her reaction. Alisa turned his hand to see the whoopie cushion.

"A whoopie cushion?" She asked before laughing. "That's a good joke!" She laughed. Sans laughed along with her. She was finally opening up a little.

"Oh I have a skele-ton more. Though tibia honest, some are more humerous than others." He said. Alisa laughed even harder and now had to hold the table for support.

"Good ones! Quite egg-cellent indeed. Do you brew them up often?" She joked back. Soon, they were both bursting with laughter.

"Good one kid. I'm patelling though, your water is about to boil over. Then we'll be drowning in puns." He told her. Alisa giggled before the words processed in her mind.

"Shit!" She said as she ran over to the stove and took off the kettle. Checking it, she sighed in relief to see there was still water in the pot. She poured it into two tea cups and put in the bags. Setting a cup on the table in front of Sans, she said. "Careful. It's berry hot."

He chuckled and nodded. Grabbing the cup and drinking it all. She watched in awe and he downed the cup in one sip. "But Berry delicious." He said back. They both laughed as Alisa sat down across from him.

"Wow." She said and he looked at her curiously.

"What?" He asked. Alisa smiled at him.

"I think your the first person I have warmed up to this fast. All because of some really bad puns!" She exclaimed.

"Well I've been told I'm a bone-ified professional at puns." He answered. Alisa giggled before yawning slightly.

"I'll be right back. I was still in bed when you came after all and I'm still in pjs." She told him before heading upstairs. Sans watched as Alisa went to the room farthest down the hall.

Sans leaned against the chair and yawned. He closed his eyes as he waited for the girl. The skeleton was slightly glad he came. She was nicer than he expected. Super shy but really nice. He felt at ease around her for some reason also. It was... Weird really. It felt like he had know her forever. Though, if he had met her in another timeline Sans would know by now. It was strange.

Alisa came down a minute later in a purple sweater and jeans. "I'm back." She announce as she sat across from the skeleton. Sans jumped and snapped his eyes open. He hadn't even noticed that she had come out of her room.

This girl was a mystery that Sans certainly didn't mind solving.

_end of chapter_

Pika: this one was a little longer and is starting to get into the storyline. Chow for now my lovely Pika Pals! Stay Shocking! Pika!

The Human Underground book one: Magic knows no boundsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora