Chapter 17

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Alisa scrunched her eyebrows together as she heard her phone buzz. She was curled up in her mates arms and personally didn't want to move.

She opened her eyes and grabbed her phone, not even looking at the ID as she answered it. "Hello?"

"Morning Sis! How was your date? Have fun?" Frisk said happily and Alisa's eyes widen as she blushed brightly as memories of last night flashed through her mind.

"Morning Frisk. It went perfectly. Are you about to head to the capital?" She asked sleepily. Sans groaned behind her and tighten his hold on her waist.

"Yep! Are you going to come with me or meet up somewhere?" Frisk asked as Sans nuzzled Alisa's neck.

"I'll meet up with you there. See you soon Frisk." She said as Sans looked over her shoulder at her.

"Okay, bye Sis!" Frisk said before hanging up. Alisa yawned as she put her phone back and turned in Sans' arms to look up at him and smile.

"Morning Babe. Sleep good?" Sans said as he held her close. Alisa smiled up at him and pressed a kiss to his teeth.

"Morning Sansy. I slept perfectly after last night." She answered and Sans grinned, remembering last night's events.

"Same here Babe. By the way, you tasted quite good." He commented and Alisa turned bright red.

"Well, you also left me sore. Come on, we have to go meet up with Frisk remember? She's going through the capital today." Alisa told him before slipping out of his arms and getting up. Sans smirked proudly when he saw her limp a bit from last night, it getting wider as he watched her naked butt sway as she walked. They were now fully mated and Sans slightly wished they did it sooner.

Alisa looked back at the skeleton still in bed and shook her hips at him. "Get up you lazy bones or no more fun time ever again." She threatened and Sans got up in an instance. Alisa laughed as she went into her closet and grabbed clothes for the day before smiling at him.

"Sansy, wanna take a shower with me? You gotta have a bath and this way we waste less water." She asked him before walking towards the bathroom. Sans grinned before following.

Maybe they could also have a bit of fun in the shower.

_time skip_

Alisa and Sans waited in the judgement hall for Frisk. Right now the kid was listening to the story of the King's and Queen's lost children as they walked here. The elevator was purposely used so she would.

Alisa leaned into Sans as she read her book, her mate reading it from over her shoulder as he held her to his chest. She wore a grey sweater dress that went to her knees today, along with shorts underneath and black flats. Luna and Shadow laid beside them, curled next to each other. Alisa had learned that morning that Luna was expecting pups and was proud of her two closest friends.

Frisk walked into the long hallway and Sans got up before stepping out of the shadows to give Frisk judgement. Alisa watched from the sidelines and smiled at her mate and adoptive sister. She couldn't believe that they were about to go to the surface after being underground for so long.

Alisa slightly missed the sun and stars but was more afraid of the surface then anything else. She remembered of her time with the other six magic humans and knew that she would have to keep her promise and save them from their captivity. Alisa knew that she would have her friends to help her but the thought of going back to the place were she was almost killed so many times made her terrified.

"Alisa! Snap out of it!" Sans' voice snapped her out of her thoughts as she looked to see his worried face, along with Frisk standing beside her with a face similar to his. Alisa felt her face was wet and knew she had been crying.

"Sorry Sans. I was thinking of about when we make it up to the surface and-!" She buried her face into his chest. "I'm so scared Sans! I'm afraid of them taking me back and I won't ever see you again or they may kill you! I don't want that to happen Sans! I love you so much and wouldn't be able to live if anything happened to you!" She cried as she wet his coat with her tears.

Sans smiled softly as he held her close, not caring about her wetting his jacket one bit. "Shhhh. It's okay babe. I won't let any of that happen okay? Come on, stop crying." He told her and slowly Alisa's tears stopped. She pulled away and rubbed her eyes.

"Sorry Sans. I guess I let myself go huh?" She told them as she smiled. He laughed and nodded before hugging her closely and pressing his teeth to her forehead.

"It's fine babe. Now, aren't you suppose to be going with the kid?" He questioned with a grin and Alisa nodded before standing. Frisk took her sister's hand and smiled brightly.

"I'll see you soon Sansy. I love you." She told him as Frisk pulled her away, her dogs following close behind.

"See ya Babe. Love you too." He said as they disappeared around the corner.

Sans' phone rang and he quickly picked it up. "SANS! MEET ME AT THE BARRIER BEFORE THEY FIGHT!" Papyrus voice rang through the phone before hanging up. Sans chuckled before stuffing his hands in his pockets and heading down the corridor towards the barrier.

He wondered slightly what would happen this time with Alisa now thrown into the mix.

_end of chapter_

Pika: sooooooooooo, only two more chapters after this and then the story is over. Hopefully by then, I have the next book at least half way done. Yeah, I've been skimping out of writing it :3. Chow for now my lovely Pika Pals! Stay Shocking! Pika!

The Human Underground book one: Magic knows no boundsWhere stories live. Discover now