Chapter 7

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Alisa cried as the whip continuously hit her back. "P-please stop." She whispered as the whip continued to hit her small frame. The eight year old was covered in other cuts and bruises all along her body.

"Next time you won't try to run away will you?" The man said as he continued to hit her. Alisa cried and shook her head. She just wanted the pain to stop.

Finally the man stopped and grabbed her arm roughly. Alisa cried out slightly as she was dragged down a long hallway. The man opened a door and threw her in before closing it and locking it. Six other kids were in the room and once the door was closed, they rushed to help her before she bled out. That was when Alisa blacked out in pain...

_dream end_

Alisa gasped in pain as she sat up in bed. Looking around, she saw she was in her room in Snowdin and sighed in relief. Hugging her legs, Alisa started to cry.

She hated when she had the memories. She never wanted to go back to the surface. If she could, she would live underground forever. Alisa couldn't stand the idea of what would happen if they caught her again.

Alisa's parents, when they found out about her magic abilities, gave her away to a man. She had been three then. The next seven years were one would call hell. She had been beaten, burned, shocked, and overall tortured. She was 'trained' with six others, the seven magicians. She had ran three times and been caught two times. Both times she had been beaten so badly that she was almost killed. Though of course, they wouldn't go that far and lose one of their magic slaves. When she fell, Alisa had felt peace for once. She thought she would finally end her suffering. Instead she fell into the snow and into the underground. There she was accepted, cared about, loved. But she never showed her powers, afraid of what would happen if someone did find out.

Alisa flinched when she felt arms wrap around her and looked up to see Frisk. "F-frisk?" She stuttered as the kid smiled and crawled into the bed with her.

"You okay?" Frisk asked and Alisa shook her head. It was obviously she wasn't.

"I'll live. It was just a really bad dream." She told the little girl, Frisk shook her head and continued the hug her. Alisa ended up hugging back as tears streamed out of her eyes.

"I'll stay till your fine." Came as reply. Alisa smiled at the little girl who smiled right back.

"Thanks Frisk." She said before the two laid down under the sheets. Luckily Shadow and Luna were downstairs and not up there or else they would've been covered by fur.

The two girls fell asleep hugging each other that early morning.

_time skip_

Sans teleported inside and looked around for the girls. Seeing only Shadow and Luna sleeping on the couch, he headed upstairs. Frisk's room was empty, which was strange. Where was the kid? Sans checked Alisa's room in a hurry, hoping that the kid didn't go on a killing spree again and started with Alisa.

He opened the door and almost sighed in relief. The girls were in Alisa's bed, hugging each other. He noticed the tears that stained Alisa's face and got closer. What had happened? He was so frustrated that the older girl wouldn't tell him anything at times.

Sans wanted to know what made her so sad. He liked it when she laughed and smiled at him. It was like a drug. The girl was always on his mind. It was strange. He had never had this happen with anyone else. He was slightly scared but also happy about this strange feeling.

Alisa yawned and rubbed her eyes. Opening them, she saw a familiar skeleton standing over her bed. "Sans?" She asked sleepily.

Sans eye sockets widen slightly as she saw him. He hadn't even noticed her waking up. "It's almost noon Liz. You and the kiddo should probably get up. Can't be a lazy bones all day." He told her. Alisa nodded and unwrapped her arms around Frisk, who was waking up as well.

"Okay. I'll be down in a minute. Can you start boiling some water?" She asked. Sans nodded and left the room.

Alisa decided against taking a shower this morning, instead just got dressed in a blue tee shirt and black sweatpants. "Frisk. Hurry and go get dress okay?" She told the small child that still laid in bed. Frisk groaned and got up, leaving the room towards her own.

Alisa walked downstairs and yawned loudly. "I feel like I died and just came back to life." She told herself. Sans laughed as she walked into the kitchen.

"So your the living dead?" He asked playfully and Alisa's eyes widen.

"If I'm a zombie then I'm commuting suicide. Skeletons are cool, zombies are downright scary." She told him, shivering at the thought. Sans smirked slightly.

"What do zombies like to eat at cookouts?" He asked. Alisa looked at him.

"What?" She asked back. His grin widen.

"Fried brains!" He said as he started imitating a zombie. Alisa laughed and screamed at the same time as the skeleton chased her around the kitchen and living room.

"Eek!" She screamed as Sans tackled her to the food. He smirked down at her as he was atop of her.

"Hmm? Now that I've caught you, what should I do with you?" He asked himself, watching as Alisa wiggled under him. He liked this view of her.

"Oh no! Help me help me! Frisk help! Please don't eat me!" Alisa called out playfully. She hadn't had this much fun in a long time.

Sans got close to her face. "Oh I know what to do." He told her, his eyes flashing blue. Alisa watched as they did, memorized it.

She gulped slightly. "W-what?" She asked. His grin got wider, if that was possible. His face was almost touching hers.

"This. Tickle attack!" He yelled as he suddenly started tickling her. Alisa started laughing as he tickled her.

"No! No! Please stop! I can't take it! Please!" She pleaded between laughs. Alisa struggled to get free of the skeleton's roaming fingers as he continued to tickle her.

Frisk ran downstairs and, with a valiant war cry, tackled Sans off of Alisa. "I'll save you Alisa!" She yelled as they landed. They all laughed as Shadow and Luna watched, wondering if they were sane.

Alisa pulled Frisk into her arms and hugged her close. "Thank you my brave hero! You saved me from the tickle torture!" She said playfully.

Frisk smiled brightly. "No problem Sis!" She realized what she said and covered her mouth. Alisa and Sans both looked at her in surprise.

"You called me sis? Why?" Alisa asked, silently extremely happy. She actually thought of Frisk as a little sister and loved the thought of the feeling being neutral.

"Cause you remind me of a big sister with how play with me and make me feel better. Sorry!" The little girl said shyly. Alisa smiled and hugged her close.

"I'm not mad! I find it adorable! I've always wanted a little sister!" Alisa exclaimed as Frisk smiled again. Sans smiled at the two. He thought it was cute how the two acted. It reminded of him and Papyrus.

The three got up, still laughing and out of breath. Frisk had a smirk on her face that meant trouble. "What you smirking about Kid?" Sans asked her suspiciously. Her smirk widen as she grabbed Alisa and pushed her into Sans.

"Ack! Frisk what are you-?!" Alisa got cut off by her lips pressing into Sans.

_end of chapter_

Pika: Frisk decided to get them to be frisky. Hehe, okay so you know the drill folks! vote and comment! Chow for now my lovely Pika Pals! Stay Shocking! Pika!

The Human Underground book one: Magic knows no boundsWhere stories live. Discover now