Chapter 5

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Alisa groaned as she opened her eyes. Her stomach had woken her up from the dream she had been having. It was a nice one but she couldn't remember everything about it. It had her and Sans in it but she couldn't remember what else happened in it.

Alisa couldn't believe that it had only been a week since she met the pun filled skeleton. The two had hung out a lot, eating at Grillby's everyday together, Sans and Alisa often seen walking around and joking with each other. It wasn't a surprise when rumors started going around about the two.

"I probably should go job hunting today. I'm running low on money and no ones been needing help." She said to herself as she climbed out of bed. Shadow and Luna slept at the end of her bed, not bothering to follow their master just yet.

After taking a shower and getting dressed in a blue sweater and jeans, Alisa sat on her couch with a plate of fried eggs and bacon in one hand, her magic book in another. It was about eight in the morning, meaning Sans wouldn't randomly pop up for another two hours or longer so she had time to do her research before he did.

She also need to release some magic soon or else she was going to have a magical overload. That was something she didn't want happening while she was around others. The first and last time she had one... she killed her best friend.

"Hmm, I guess I should do it while I have time. It would be safer also." She told herself. Alisa held out her hands and her hands glowed a soft purple. Suddenly, a dog tail and ears popped onto her body. The girl wagged the tail, watching it sway from side to side. Sniffing the air, Alisa caught slight traces of Sans' scent. He smelled like... ketchup and fresh snow. Hmm probably of all the ketchup he drank is why he smelled like it. The skeleton may not have a stomach, but he could certainly gulp down bottles upon bottles of ketchup.

Alisa rushed outside and smelled the air. She loved having animal magic. She wouldn't have been able to stand some of the other magics that were specialized in. Like raising the dead, the girl shuddered at the thought, she was TERRIFIED of zombies. Skeletons? They're cool. But zombies? No way.

Alisa could easily hear everything around her, birds singing, water rushing from waterfall, Sans footsteps coming towards her. Wait what?! Alisa turned in the direction she heard Sans and quickly canceled her magic. She checked her phone to see it was only 9:30 am. He didn't usually come for another half hour.

"Hey Liz." She heard Sans say and turned to him. She smiled at him. He had started calling her Liz instead of her actually name. She didn't really mind it that much since it was a cute nickname.

"Hey Sans. What's you doing up so early?" She asked the skeleton. He shrugged as they headed inside Alisa's house.

"I've got work and I wanted to come by to see if you wanted to help. Though it gets quite heated, selling hotdogs." He joked and they both laughed.

"I was actually thinking about getting a job soon anyways. No ones really been needing my help lately so I've been free, other than playing with kids and eating at Grillby's." She told him. He nodded as the girl grabbed her bag.

"Luna! Shadow! Time to go!" She called and the huskies came out of her room. They walked up to the two and sniffed Sans before licking his hand. The skeleton jumped as Alisa laughed at him. "Apparently, your bone licking good Sans."

He chuckled before scratching one behind the ears, earning a satisfied bark in return. "Well, I hope they know I'm not a treat." He told her and they both laughed again.

"I pretty sure that as long as you don't hurt me, they won't eat you. They know your friend, not food." She said and then they headed back out.

"So, why were you outside? Seemed rather surprised to see me." Sans questioned and Alisa flinch slightly.

"I was getting some fresh air. I was feeling a bit hot inside so I need to cool down some. I already know I'm smoking but I don't need that much hotness." She joked. Sans chuckled as she almost let out a sigh in relief. It seems like Sans didn't catch the lie. That was good for her.

"Well I gotta watch for humans first. You know? Being a sentry and all." Sans said and Alisa nodded. They stood on the edge of the woods when the two of them saw a small girl, almost nine it seemed, with glowing red eyes and a knife, along with a creepy smile.

Alisa narrowed her eyes. "Sans. That kid... She's possessed." She said softly. He snapped his skull towards her.

"Possessed? You sure?" He asked and the girl nodded.

"Hold her in place and I'll knock her out. I know how to get rid of the spirit, maybe it can be used to break the barrier." She commanded and Sans nodded. Suddenly, the kid was surrounded by a bright blue and was pushed to the ground. Alisa quickly went and pressed a pressure point, knocking the kid out.

She picked up the kid and turned to Sans. "I'll go and start getting rid of the spirit. You stay here in case your brother comes to check on you. If I'm not back in thirty minutes, come check on us ok?" She said. Sans looked unsure about it but still nodded.

"Be careful Liz." He warned and she nodded.

_time skip_

Alisa put the kid in a bed in her spare room as she went and grabbed her magic book. Flipping to a page, she read aloud. "Spirit that possessed this body. Rise away from this girl or face the consequences of my wrath." A red glow surrounded the kid and Alisa readied a jar to hold the soul. A red heart rose from the kid. Suddenly, it spilt into two as the lighter one went closer to the girl, the darker one started to try for the window. Alisa quickly caught it in the jar and made sure it was closed tight.

Alisa sighed in relief as she casts another spell to check the girl's memories and for any injuries. Apparently, the spirit had just taken over the child body after it left the previous area it had been in. She hadn't killed anyone yet and was quite innocent.

"Gosh. This kid can't be more than nine years old. What is she doing down here? Though, I was ten when I came so I can't really judge." Alisa said to herself as she sat down to wait for the girl to wake up.

_end of chapter_

Pika: and Frisk appears! What happens next? Chow for now my lovely Pika Pals! Stay Shocking! Pika!

The Human Underground book one: Magic knows no boundsWhere stories live. Discover now