Chapter 1

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Alisa held her puppies, Shadow and Luna, in her arms as she ran up the mountain. Voices could be heard behind her, steadily getting closer. Bruises and cuts showed all along her body and her clothes were worn.

The small girl hid behind some trees. "Where did she go?" Asked one of the men following her. Another shook his head.

"I don't know! Let's check the area." Said the third one. Alisa whimpered slightly as she snuck away from the area.

Once she could barely see the three men, Alisa rushed to the top of the mountain. If she could find the way into it, then she could be safe. They wouldn't dare to go inside where monsters were. She would be safe there.

Alisa yelled out in surprise as she fell down a large hole. She screamed as she fell, clutching the pups in her arms tightly. It was dark wherever she looked and she didn't want to look behind her. Suddenly, a rush of cold went down her back and Alisa passed out.

_7 years later_

"Alisa! Alisa! Can you show off your tricks again?!" Monster kid asked the girl, who smiled and nodded.

"Sure kid. I'll be out in a minute ok? I've gotta go get Luna and Shadow." She told him. He jumped around happily and nodded. She let him inside her small house before going into the living room.

Two large huskies laid next to each other in front of her couch. "Shadow! Luna! Time to go out you two!" Alisa called. They poked up their heads and hopped up before going over to their master. She petted their heads before they all went out with the monster child.

Alisa turned to him and fixed her gloves. "Ready?" She asked and he nodded. Soon, a few more kids appeared and watched as Alisa did a series of flips and turns. To make it harder for her, they threw snowballs. She ducked and jumped around the snowballs barrage.

"Ahh!" Snow fell down Alisa's shirt and she yelped and shivered as the coldness went down her back. The kids laughed as she turned to them and smirked.

The kids looked at each other nervously before a snowball hit one in the face. They looked at her in disbelief as the girl held a snowball in her hand. Soon a full fledge snowball fight was going on between Alisa and the kids.

"Got you!" Alisa yelled as she tackled some kids into a snow pile. Soon they were all laughing. Parents arrived soon after and took their kids home. Leaving Alisa and her dogs.

"Thank you for playing with them all the time Alisa. It's so kind of you to take time out of your day to do so." One parent said. Alisa shrugged and rubbed the back of her head.

"It's no problem. I don't ever really have much to do anyways." She told them, blushing slightly from the praise. Shadow and Luna barked in agreement as a few of the kids petted them.

"Still. Everyone expected you to leave once you recovered, not stay down here. Doesn't your human family miss you?" Another parent asked and Alisa winced.

"Maybe but I like it down here. Everyone is more accepting than on the surface." She told them all carefully.

"Ok then dearie. See you again." With that, everyone left the three as Alisa looked at the ground. Shadow and Luna poked their master's hands with their noses to cheer her up. A single tear escaped before she wiped it away and smiled at them.

"Come on you two. Let's go get some Grillby's. I'm starving." She told them and they barked in agreement. The three then went towards town.


"It's so sweet of Alisa to play with the kids everyday. She's so nice." A female monster said to another as they walked by. Sans laid against his stand, one eye open as he listened to the conversation.

"Yeah, she's the sweetest. Makes you wonder how she's a human. I thought they were cruel?" Said the other one. Sans' eyes widen at this. A human?

"I did too. That's what the stories said. She's been here for years and has only shown kindness." Came a reply. Sans decided to reveal himself.

"A human?" He asked and the female monsters jumped slightly and turned to him, only to blush. His grin widen some. He was quite popular with the ladies in town(and in real life).

One nodded. "Alisa. She's lived here in Snowdin for eight years after falling. She was pretty beat up when she was found and the only reason anyone found her in time was because of her two dogs, Shadow and Luna. Instead of trying to leave, she stayed in town. The kids love her." She told him. Sans put a hand on his chin.

"How come my brother and I have never met her before?" He asked. He had never even heard of her in the previous timelines, which was a surprise. At least he would've heard of her before.

"Oh, Alisa tends to avoid those she doesn't know. She apparently had a bad past on the surface. She never tells anyone about it either." The other told him. Sans nodded. This human was a mystery to him.

"She's at Grillby's right now I heard. It's a surprise that you haven't met her yet Sans. She always goes there at this time." The first one said. Sans shrugged.

"Well maybe I should meet her. Thanks ladies, I won't rattle your bones with questions anymore." He said and they giggled before walking off. Sans walked back to his stand before taking a 'shortcut' to Grillby's. He had a human to meet after all.

- end of chapter -

Pika: Hey guys and welcome to my new story! I have actually been writing this all of December and I can tell you that there is 19 chapters in this! I'll be posting a chapter twice a week so get ready for that! I'll probably also put in a info chapter on some of the stuff in this story after the third of fourth chapter, since some stuff gets really confusing! I hope you enjoy and chow for now my lovely Pika Pals! Stay Shocking! Pika!

The Human Underground book one: Magic knows no boundsWhere stories live. Discover now