Chapter 4

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Alisa checked the time to see that it was almost three, about the time she had to go pick up some of the kids. She stood up from the table and stretched slightly. A bone popped in her back and Sans shuddered.

"Sorry, does that bother you?" She asked and he shook his head.

"Not much gets under my skin." He told her with a grin. She laughed some and pulled on her snow boots and her jacket.

"Well Sans. I have to go to work. I've gotta go pick up the kids from school while their parents are gone." She told the skeleton and he nodded and got up. They were almost the same height, Sans being slightly taller by about two inches. He almost grinned at that. Most monsters were a lot taller than humans so it felt good being taller than someone for once down here.

Alisa pouted slightly, she was short for a girl her age, almost 5'6, and she was also the shortest person in the underground.

"Well I wouldn't want you to be bonely. I'm on break anyways." He said with his usual grin. She smiled back and nodded.

"Okay my boney friend. Luna! Shadow! Time to go!" She called. Almost instantly, the two huskies were at the door waiting. The girl zipped up her jacket and turned to the skeleton. "Let's go!"

He nodded and they headed out of the house. Alisa grabbed a purple messager bag on the way out and it now hung loosely over her shoulder. Sans put his hands in his pockets as the two walked in silence. He peeked over at her to see the girl deep in thought about something.

"Hey Sans, I have a question." She said and looked at him. He quickly made it seem that he wasn't looking at her before.

"What's ribbing you?" He asked, earning a small laugh.

She smiled at the pun before frowning at something. "I was wondering why I warmed up to you so fast. Usually I wouldn't and this is just too weird. It took me a good month or two to warm up to the town's people and yet I warmed up to you in about five minutes. Weird huh?" She said. He nodded. It WAS weird. He didn't really trust people that quickly. Yet he felt he could easily trust her. It was really unsettling.

"Same. Maybe I just tickled your funny bone enough for you to get comfortable around this bone head." He joked and the two laughed.

"Alisa!" A voice called before suddenly the human girl as tackled into the snow by a bunch of young monsters. The girl yelped in surprise as she fell into the cold snow. Sans laughed at her as she glared at him and wiped snow off her face.

"Not funny Sans." She told him as the skeleton just laughed harder. The kids just noticed Sans there and got off the girl.

"Hey Sans!" They all said. There was five of them today.

"Hey kids. How's it going?" He asked them. Since almost everyone in town loved puns, everyone knew the pun telling skeleton.

"Good! Alisa! Alisa! Can you show us how to do a cartwheel?!" A little bunny kid asked the girl. Alisa smiled and nodded.

"Sure thing kids." She told them before going into her bag. She pulled out a pair of gloves and pulled them on before throwing her bag at her furry companions. Luna caught the bag in her teeth as Alisa backed up some so she could show the kids. Sans watched, interested. He wanted to see this as well, though he wasn't going to admit that out loud.

Alisa put her hands into the air before turning her body. Her gloved hands held her body up before completing the cartwheel. The kids cheered as she smiled at them.

"How'd you do that?! How did you learn to do that?!" One kid asked. Sans watched as her eyes flashed with emotion for a second, sadness, fear, and pain showing, as she continued to smile at the children. What had happened to her? What was her past?

What made her go to Mt. Ebott in the first place?

_time skip_

Alisa laughed as she picked up one of the kids and spun them around. The monster child giggled as she was spun by the human girl. Sans sat by Luna and Shadow, watching Alisa play with the kids. The kids seemed to really look up to the 18-year-old.

"SANS! WHERE ARE YOU SANS?!" A familiar voice yelled for him. Everyone in the clearing froze as they heard the taller of the two brothers closing into the clearing. Sans stood and looked towards the direction of the voice before back at Alisa.

"I'll see you around. I gotta go see what Paps wants. Don't get too bonely without me." He told her. Alisa nodded and gathered the kids, getting them ready to go home.

"See ya then Sans. I'll be at Grillby's later, after I drop off these guys off." She said back and the short skeleton nodded before leaving the clearing. Sans certainly would meet up with the girl at Grillby's. He had to ask her some questions after all.

_time skip_

Alisa had stopped by her house to grab a book before going to Grillby's. It was something she had brought with her from the surface. The cover was made of leather and looked old and worn down from time. It was a magic book from before the war between monsters and humans. She had grabbed it because she wanted to look at something. She wanted to find out if she was right with a theory she had.

Flipping through the pages, she stopped on one near the back of the book. Skimming through, she found what she was looking for and the realization went through her in an instance. Alisa froze upon one sentence and it make her stomach drop slightly.

"Hey, what'cha reading?" A voice said beside her and she slammed the book shut before looking at the grinning skeleton beside her. How long has he been there? Did he read the text?

"Nothing. Just a book I had with me when I fell." She told him dismissively. He couldn't know yet.

Sans eye'd her suspiciously for a second before shrugging and sitting beside her. "Okay then." He said.

Sans could always sneak the book away to look later.

_end of chapter_

Pika: This is so much fun to write! I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! Chow for now my lovely Pika Pals! Stay Shocking! Pika!

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