Chapter 11

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Morning had come and Alisa was even more nervous than when she first showed them her powers. She didn't sleep much that night, finally let sleep take her about four in the morning. All night she had read through her book, reading through to make sure it wasn't something else. She was afraid of Sans rejected her if they were mates. It had happened to someone before. Their soul mate had been married and rejected them. About a week later the magician died of their soul tearing apart at being rejected. It was apparently the worst pain someone can ever go through. Alisa didn't want to die yet cause if she did, there would be nothing left.

She had woken up around noon, sleepy and slightly afraid. She had taken a quick shower and put on a black turtleneck and jeans. She sat in the living room as she waited for Sans to show up. Frisk had gone to see if he had woken up yet and took Shadow with her.

Luna nudged her master and Alisa smiled. She petted the husky's head affectionately. "Sorry about making you worry girl. I'm just nervous, is all." She assured the canine, though it did nothing for herself. Luna nodded and licked Alisa's hand, making the girl laugh slightly.

Sans, Frisk, and Shadow teleported in and Alisa jumped slightly. "Hey guys. Guess it's time huh?" She asked and Sans nodded. The three of you, plus dogs, walked out only to be greeted by Alphys.

"H-hi Alisa! I-it's been a w-while huh?" She asked the girl, who nodded.

"Hey Alphys. Guess you heard about what's happening today through your cameras?" Alisa asked and the lizard nodded. Sans seemed surprised by the scientist appearance.

"Liz, you know Alphys?" He asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, during my first year here I noticed there was cameras stationed around and yelled at the cameras. Apparently, they're not only for seeing but also you can hear through them and Alphys heard me. She decided to come and introduce herself and we ended up bonding over anime." Alisa explained and he nodded. Alphys blushed.

"R-right and I h-heard that you and S-Sans were going to try to see if y-you were mates or n-not." She said and looked at the ground. Alisa patted her back and smiled.

"It's fine Alphys. I don't really mind." She reassured her friend and Alphys smiled at her.

Sans and Alisa stood across from each other in a large field. Frisk, Alphys, Luna, and Shadow all stood on the sidelines as they watched.

"Ready Liz?" Sans asked and Alisa nodded. He held out his hands and started a battle. Alisa's soul popped out of her chest, a light Purple Heart, almost lavender in color. Sans soul also popped out, it being as blue as his jacket. Though, instead of just floating there, the souls circled around each other in some sort of dance. Alisa gasped as she took out her book and looked at the page.

"The souls are connecting. We are mates Sans." She yelled across the field. He nodded as he watched the souls in their dance, memorized by it. Alisa walked over to him and giggled at his expression.

"You know... If you don't want it... You can just call your soul back. It's called rejecting and I know you may not want to do this so if you want you can-!" She was cut off as Sans kissed her. It was really just him pressing his teeth to her lips but it still took her breath away as she relaxed into the kiss and pressed back.

Sans pulled away a little afterwards, a bright blue blush on his face. "You're rattling your bones over this too much Liz. I actually can't believe you haven't realize that I've liked you more than a friend for a while now. I was seriously hoping we were mates actually and would never even think about rejecting you. You're beautiful, smart, funny, can deal with my puns, caring, and the most loving creature I've ever met, human or monster." He told her and Alisa blushed bright red as tears swelled in her eyes.

She threw her arms around the skeleton, making him stagger slightly. "Y-you don't know h-how much t-that means to me Sans! I was so afraid that you would reject me and it filled me with so much fear! Your are the best Sans!" She cried into his shoulder as he smiled softly and hugged her. A bright light flashes above them and they both looked up to see their souls were slightly different now. While they were still their original colors, Sans' now had a lavender glow around his while Alisa's had a blue glow. They both smiled as their souls circled each other once more before going back inside of them.

Alphys had recorded the whole thing and had tears in her eyes. "T-that was the s-sweetest thing e-ever! B-better than mew mew kissy cutie!... Almost." Alphys added at the end with a blush. Frisk nodded and ran up to hug you both.

"Does this mean Sans is my brother now?" She asked innocently and Alisa and Sans looked at each other before laughing.

"Yes Kid. I guess it does. We better tell Paps. He's probably getting bonely being home alone." Sans said and Alisa nodded.

"Okay. Alphys, can you bring the video so we can show Papyrus it if we need to?" Alisa asked and the dinosaur nodded (she looks like a dinosaur to me okay?). Together, they all walked to town. Frisk riding on Alisa's back while the magician held Sans' hand.

Alisa was so glad that Sans had found out about her that day.

_end of chapter_

Pika: AWWWWWWWWW SO CUTE! So, they're now mates. This is the reason why I never told the mates in the info chapter btw, it would just mess up the story! Anywho~ Chow for now my lovely Pika Pals! Stay Shocking! Pika!

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