Chapter 2

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"Hey Grillby! Can I have two burgers and a plate of fries?" Alisa asked the flaming monster, who nodded and went to the back for her order. The human girl greeted many of the monsters in the restaurant as she sat at the bar. Luna and Shadow laid down on either side of her seat. Once her food was brought to her, she gave each of her companions a burger before eating a fry.

"So, how's business been lately Grillby?" She asked as she ate her food. Grillby made a series of hand motions and Alisa nodded, understanding what he was saying.

"Your other usual hasn't been here today surprisingly? Maybe he got busy or something." She told him but Grillby shook his head and motioned something else. "Oh he always skips work to come here? I dunno then Grillby."

There was a chuckle behind Alisa and she turned to see a short skeleton behind her. "Talking about me Grillby?" He said as he sat beside Alisa. She flinched slightly as Luna and Shadow looked at him. They knew their owner didn't like meeting new people.

She finished off her food and paid Grillby. "I gotta go Grillby. See you later. Come on you two." She said as she stood. Grillby nodded as he handed Sans his food. Alisa rushed out as Sans watched her go. Apparently the women were telling the truth. She seemed scared when she saw him and it wasn't because he was a skeleton. It was because he may talk to her.

"Say Grill. Who is that girl? It seem to really rattle her bones when she saw me." He asked.

Grillby answered with a series of hand motions, meaning 'That's Alisa. She's been in town for about eight years and is extremely shy towards new people. She didn't mean anything against you if that's what your thinking.'

Sans shook his head. "Nah. I just heard of her today surprisingly. How is that? Everyone really likes her and stuff." He asked. The girl was really confusing to him.

Another series of hand motions was made. 'It's most likely due to the fact you and your brother are suppose to be watching for humans. Many are scared of what would happen if you two found out about her.' Sans nodded and finished off his ketchup.

"Thanks Grillby. Catch ya later. Don't worry about me catching her or anything. My brother is the human hunting fanatic after all." He said to the fire monster before leaving.

Sans looked around and noticed that the girl and her canine friends had completely disappeared. He sighed and put his hands in his pockets as he walked home. He wanted to know more about the strange girl. Sans has been through almost twenty resets by now, since Frisk kept accidentally killing people and would reset right after doing so. He would've heard of her by now. The town had been hiding it really well if they hid her for this long. He would've thought that he would've ran into the girl by now. At least found her house in his walks through the woods.

"I too bone-tired to think right now. I'll find out more tomorrow." Sans chuckled at his own pun before going inside his house and to his room.

_with Alisa_

Alisa breathed heavily as she leaned against the door. That skeleton was one of the two looking for humans. She didn't want to die. Though she didn't want to kill either. That's why they wanted her, because of her powers. Alisa couldn't let anyone here know about them either. She couldn't let them know of her powers.

The human race had almost completely lost their abilities to use magic, only seven members remained. There was always seven humans that could use magic, to represent the seven sorcerers that made the barrier. Whenever one of these magic users died, another was born immediately after.

The seven all specialized in different magics. There was many magics they could all do but each could do one magic that the other six could not. Alisa's was animal magic. She could speak with animals and could copy an animal's abilities. Animals part often appeared whenever she did. Whenever she came down here, Alisa realized that she could also copy a monster's abilities.

It had happened on accident really. It had been cold and her fire had gone out. She had put up her hands to it, silently wishing that she could light it like Grillby could. Suddenly, her hand and her hair had caught on fire and fire shot out her hand into the fireplace, lighting it. It had shocked her beyond belief and depleted most of her magic.

Luna and Shadow nuzzled their owner affectionately. They knew she was terrified and they would protect her no matter what.

Alisa smiled at the two huskies and rubbed their heads. "Thanks you two. Now let's go get some sleep, ok?" She told them and the dogs nodded before the three headed off to Alisa's room to sleep.

_end of chapter_

Pika: So the two met it seems. Whale, let's see how this relationship goes. Chow for now my lovely Pika Pals! Stay Shocking! Pika!

The Human Underground book one: Magic knows no boundsWhere stories live. Discover now