Chapter 6

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Sans teleported to Alisa's house and raced inside. He saw the first door at the top of the stairs opened slightly and raced up to them. He couldn't have her die. She was too nice. Too kind and understanding of him. Hell, even though it had only been a week since they've met it felt like they knew each other their whole lives.

Once Sans raced into the room, he saw Alisa sitting in a chair, the small human girl clutching onto her chest and crying "sorry" multiple times as the older human comforted her.

"Shh, it's alright. The mean mean spirit is gone. It wasn't you that wanted to kill. It was that demon that had taken control." She consoled. Flicking her eyes over to Sans, she motioned him over with her head.

"I'm so sorry! I c-could've k-killed everyone a-and even though I d-didn't want to!" The child stuttered and Alisa smiled before turning the girl in her arms. Sans was almost blown back by their similarities. The kid could pass off as Alisa's daughter or little sister if she wanted to.

He smiled at the kid and held out his hand, whoopie cushion in place. "Hey kid. My names Sans... Sans the Skeleton. You can call me Sans though." He said. The kid looked at his hand and quietly shook his hand. A loud farting sound appeared after. Sans laughed as the kid was taken by surprise, even Alisa was fighting back laughter.

"Whoopee cushion in the hand trick. Just as funny every time." He told them. The kid cracked a large smile as Alisa laughed. He loved her laughter, it sounded nice.

"Frisk... I'm Frisk." The kid, Frisk, said. She looked exhausted and was leaning into Alisa.

"Well Kid. I think you need some sleep. You look... Bone tired." He joked and Alisa snorted.

Frisk only nodded and Alisa put them back in bed. "I'll be downstairs Frisk. Shadow will stay in here with you to keep you company okay?" She told the child, who nodded and closed her eyes. The two left and Alisa closed the door.

"Whelp, so much for joining you at the hot dog stand Sans. I've got a kid to watch. The soul that possessed her, was a human soul. It is dark heart, almost black. I have it locked up in a jar to keep it from disappearing or escaping so I guess it should be delivered soon to the king." She said. Sans nodded and studied her expression. She seemed slightly scared at the idea.

"Something wrong Liz?" He questioned and she sighed.

"Kinda but I'll live. Guess I'm just scared of going back to the surface." She admitted but Sans knew that wasn't even half of it. He would let it go though, for now.

"Well, I guess I can't convince you to meet my brother either huh?" He asked and she looked at him, surprised.

"Your brother? Is he anything like you?" She asked and he laughed and shook his head.

"My brother, Papyrus, is a human hunting fanatic but in reality isn't bad. He's really innocent and wants to join the Royal guard. I bet if you two met, you would instantly love him. He's really loud and hyper. He's like a giant kid in a candy store." Sans explained. Alisa smiled softly at the explanation. She loved how easily Sans could describe his brother.

"Maybe after Frisk is healed. She's going through slight trauma from her being possessed. Also, the kid is running a slight fever and has multiple cuts and bruises all along her body. She should take a day or two to heal and then, if the kid is feeling up to it, we'll both meet Papyrus." She answered. Sans was surprised. He was suspecting her to say no, especially since she's so shy around new people.

"You sure?" He asked, just to be certain.

"Positive. I wanna meet the little brother of my best boney friend." She answered. Sans' smile grew wider as he pulled her close and hugged her. She seemed to flinch slightly at the sudden content before melting into the hug. Her arms warped around him as they stood this in silence, both blushing brightly as they hugged each other. Once they parted, Sans looked away with his bright blue blush. Alisa chuckled and gave his hand a quick squeeze before walking downstairs. Sans sighed.

This girl was going to be the death of him.

_time skip_

Frisk was now healed up and moving around. The small girl was sitting on the couch and watching TV while Alisa sat next to her, reading her book. It was about five at night and the older of the two knew that they needed to eat soon.

"Frisk. Come with me. We need to you get some snow gear. We're going to Grillby's today." She told the kid as she closed her book. Frisk nodded and followed Alisa to the 18-year-old's room. She went to her closet and grabbed a box out of the top of it. Pulling it down, Alisa opened the box to reveal clothes the same size as Frisk.

"These are from when I was growing up here. Pick out an outfit for today and then we'll leave okay?" She asked the younger girl. Frisk nodded and looked through the clothes. She pulled out a green sweater with a black jacket to go with it. Alisa nodded and took out a pair of brown snow boots for the kid.

"Good thing I saved all of my old clothes. Didn't think anyone else would fall down here but I'm kinda glad you did." She told Frisk. The young girl smiled and nodded before going to her room to get dress.

Alisa and Sans had learned that Frisk didn't like to talk much at all. Over the week the kid had barely spoke, preferring to stay silent if she could. Alisa had understood the feeling, since she has been like that when she was young. Though Frisk did like talking to Alisa a lot.

Frisk came back wearing the outfit, along with a pair of jeans. Alisa put on her usual purple jacket and her boots before grabbing her bag. "All ready?" She asked and Frisk nodded.

Luna and Shadow were already waiting at the door as the two went downstairs. "Now Frisk you have to listen to me while we're out okay? While everyone knows me, they don't know you. You know that Sans and his brother are suppose to be watching for humans and while Sans is a lazy bones, I've never actually met his brother. We have to watch out for him until we know he won't try to capture us." Alisa explained. The younger girl nodded and smiled. Alisa smiled back before pulling the hood over over the kid's head.

"Then let's go!" Alisa exclaimed and they were off.

_end of chapter_

Pika: Hehe. Welcome to another chapter! Chow for now my lovely Pika Pals! Stay Shocking! Pika!

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