Chapter 12

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"Sis? Can we talk?" Alisa heard a quiet voice say and turned around to look at Frisk. They were in the kitchen of Alisa's house, making cake. They had came back after telling Papyrus about Alisa and Sans were mates and were now getting ready for Alisa's birthday.

"Sure Frisk. What's up?" She asked her adopted sister, putting the mixing bowl she was holding down.

"I... I uh... Wanna keep going through the underground towards the barrier." Frisk answered, looking down, as if she was in trouble and knew it. Alisa looked at her surprised before putting a hand on the kid's shoulder.

"Why?" Alisa asked curiously. She knew that Frisk may have a family above ground and stuff and may want to go back to them, even though she didn't want to lose her.

"I don't want to leave everyone. I want to try and see if there's a way to break the barrier so everyone can come up!" Frisk explained excitedly. Alisa looked at her in surprise before she smiled softly, tears forming in her eyes. The girl took her adoptive little sister in her arms and hugged her tightly.

"You are such a sweet kid. Though... Be careful when you go. I'll head through Waterfall with you and we can go to Alphy's and have her make a better container for the soul. You can use that as the seventh soul. I know you lost the resets when I removed the corrupted soul." Alisa told her and Frisk looked at her, shocked that she knew about her power. This made Alisa laugh slightly.

"Kiddo, you and Sans aren't the only ones that remember resets. I'm a magician remember? I remember when you stayed with me for three months that one timeline. That soul could use that power when it was alive, however something happened where it couldn't reset anymore in its old body. That's why it possessed you, so it could cause grief over and over again. It knew that Sans remembered and apparently wanted to cause him grief so it ignored the place you were at before and took over once you left." She explained to Frisk. The younger had tears in her eyes as she hugged Alisa tight, crying. Alisa hugged back just as tight.

That was how Sans found them. Frisk and Alisa hugging each other. He was confused at this. "Did I... miss something?" He asked. They looked at him before back at each other, before laughing and making him even more confused.

"Not much Sansy. Just a little girl bonding I guess you can say." Alisa told him. She had gotten him a nickname, since he always called her own, though he now called her a few more things.

"Okay Babe. Whatever you say." He answered before sticking his finger into the bowl of batter and taking out some. He stuck his tongue, which was blue like his magic mainly because it was made of magic, and licked it off. Alisa glared at him playfully.

"Hey! That's my cake your eating!" She yelled playfully as she stood. Frisk grinned and stood next to her as they both started chasing after the short skeleton, who teleported around the house away from them.

Frisk had never felt this happy, especially since she fell down and gained the power to reset. She now had a family that cared for her. She had a big sister, a goat mom, two big brothers, and possibly even more family members as she went through the underground further.

This is something Frisk would never give up.

_time skip_

Alisa yawned as she opened her eyes. Sans, Papyrus, and Frisk were all standing over her, grinning widely.

"Huh?" She asked sleepily. What day was it?

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALISA!" They yelled and she stared at them in surprise.

"Oh yeah, it's my birthday. I totally forgot about that." She said as she yawned. Sans pressed his teeth to her lips, grinning widely and happiness showing in his eyes.

"Yep babe. Time to get up. Can't be a lazy bones today." He told her and she giggled before nodding.

"Okay. Give me a few minutes to go take a shower and I'll be down." She said but Frisk shook her head and grabbed her hand. Alisa looked at her in surprise and yelped as the kid pulled her downstairs to the kitchen.

On the table was a large breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, and hash browns. Alisa's eyes widen as she was sat down in a seat. Frisk sat across from her as Sans sat beside her, Papyrus across from him. She looked at the three in shock. "Guys you didn't have to do this-!" She was cut off by Sans.

"Yes we did Babe. Grillby told me about you never skele-brating your birthday before. He even told me that no one in town knew it before." He told her and she blushed in embarrassment.

"Well... I'm not used to attention so parties weren't my thing." She answered him. He rolled his eyes and squeezed her hand.

"Now they will be. Eat your food already, we've got more things to do today." He told her and she nodded before placing a kiss on his cheek. Both Frisk and Papyrus gagged.

"BROTHER AND OLDER HUMAN! PLEASE DON'T DO THAT IN FRONT OF US!" Papyrus exclaimed and Alisa giggled and nodded, putting a piece of bacon in her mouth.

"Fine Pappy. We won't do any PDA in front of you two, for right now. Don't get your spine in a twist." She said and then her and Sans roared with laughter as Papyrus groaned. Frisk giggled as she ate her breakfast.

"Sis! Are you ready for a day of fun?!" She asked and Alisa nodded happily.

"Sure am Frisk! I can already tell this is going to be the best birthday I've ever had!" She said back.

Those words certainly didn't come back to bite her in the butt either.

_end of chapter_

Pika: this was sweet and cute and chu guys got to see into Frisk's thoughts some! Also, some people have asked my updating schedule. Its every other day. So the next time I will update is the 31st. Chow for now my lovely Pika Pals! Stay Shocking! Pika!

The Human Underground book one: Magic knows no boundsWhere stories live. Discover now