"You're zoned out, you okay?" Stacie asked frowning.

Beca nodded and walked out of the cafeteria, Amy and Stacie looked at each other in confusion, then, they realized what Beca was looking at.

Jesse was sitting at their usual table, Chloe was there, Aubrey was there as well with other Bellas and Benji, they still didn't know why Beca left.

"Where's Beca?" Jesse asked Amy when she approached them.

"Hum, shorty went outside."
Both girls, Amy and Stacie noticed Chloe's body tense at the mention of Beca's name.

"I should go check on her." Jesse stood up grabbing his lunch.

"I go with you." Stacie said following him.

They found their friend sitting against a tree with her Mac on her lap. She was focused on the mix she was doing, her fingers moving with the beat. "Fucking shit." she murmured to herself when she found a mistake in the mix.

"Why you here?" Stacie asked standing in front of her.

"Hi." she said avoiding the question still looking at the screen.

"What's going on?" Jesse sat down next to her and bumped her shoulder softly. "Something's bothering you."

"Besides you two, nothing is bothering me." She sighed.

"Rude." Stacie snapped back rolling her eyes, an habit she got from Beca.

"What do you want." Beca started to get frustrated, she really wasn't in a good mood.

"To know what's going on in that heads of yours." Jesse replied.

Beca didn't face either of them. "Nothing."

Jesse was about to ask again, but Stacie stopped him by shaking her head.

"Let's go. She just needs some time." Jesse nodded and stood up.

This was why Beca appreciated Stacie, she knew when she had to leave her alone and never pushed her to open up, she knew Beca opens up with time.

Instead, Stacie sent her a text.

Legs: shopping after school? We're skipping bella practice :)

Beca smiled at the text, Stacie always knew what Beca needed. She agreed and put her phone back in her pocket.

After school, Stacie waited for Beca outside. She was against her car when the shorter brunette saw her.

"I know you hate shopping AND Christmas, but i have to start with Christmas shopping." Stacie apologized.

"Meh, its ok." Beca shrugged getting in Stacie's car.

Stacie drove them to the center mall, the ride was pretty quiet, Beca looking out of the window the decorated street with the mistletoes and all that Christmas stuff.

Stacie was looking at some clothes when Beca felt her phone buzz in her pocket.

Red: i guess no more math classes for me.

Beca had to admit her heart skipped a beat when she read her name on her screen. She thought about the reply for a minute before typing.

You: Not today.

Pretty dry, but for some reason Beca was mad at her, well, a part of her was mad, the other part couldn't be mad at Chloe.

"Mind helping me over here?" Stacie asked, snapping Beca out of her thoughts.

Beca quickly put her phone in her pocket. "Sure."

"You know my mom, which one would look better? Red or black?"

Stacie showed Beca two different dresses, the red one was a long dress with no sleeves that showed cleveage.
The black one was above the knees and had long sleeves.

"Black." Beca said

"Beca Mitchell choosing black, how weird is it?" Beca rolled her eyes with a smile at her friend's comment.

After a long 45 painful minutes of looking at clothes, the girls left the store.

"You look tired. Want a coffee? Its on me." Beca's mood was off a bit and Stacie noticed it, as usual.

"Im always tired, Stace." Beca sighed. "Its the season, probably. But i can't say no to free coffee."

"Asshole." Stacie snapped.

"And you love me."

The girls grabbed a coffee and sat on some chairs the bar had. They chatted and laughed about random stuff for a while before starting to walk again.

"You'll tell me soon or late, so just spill it." Stacie said dumping her cup.

Beca looked at her in confusion.

"Chloe looked upset, you're off and i know its not just Christmas. Spill it." Stacie pushed.

Beca sighed. "I may or may not have fought with Chloe and we may or may not have been sent to detention."

"Why tho?"

The girls entered a store, it was more of Beca's kind of store. Converse's everywhere, snap backs, tees, plaids. Beca's style.

"She said she forgot to tell me she wasn't going to come with me after school, i told her i didn't believe her because we've been doing this for at least 4 months or so." Beca explained.

"True." Stacie agreed

"So we started fighting and she yells at some point so we were sent to detention, we didn't talk since then." Beca said like if she was bored.

"Okay... Are you jealous about Tom then?" Stacie wondered.

Beca was finishing her coffee and apparently she forgot she was about to swallow because she spilled her coffee all over herself trying to speak.

Stacie laughed leaving a pair of red shoes back on it place. "Damn Becs, you're a baby."

"I'm not jealous of Tom. I'm only mad at her because she left me waiting for her like a stupid while she was probably making out with the douchest guy on earth, who will probably hurt her by the end of the day and nobody wants that for somebody that you care." Beca said those words like if she was rapping, Stacie trying to understand a single sentence; failing miserably.

"Okay..." She said after a while. "I can't still see the sexual tension between you two."

"Im not even gay." she said trying to convince herself more than trying to convince her friend.

"Easy there."

Beca really liked this place, there were tons of flannels and shoes that she liked. She still preferred baseball caps before snapbacks.

They shopped for two hours more. They were making they way back to Stacie's car when both of them noticed they had tons of texts from the bellas.

"Shit." they muttered in unison.

They got in the car and read them, for their luck no one was really important nor no one said something about them skipping practice.

"Bella bounding?" Beca asked.

"Its a thing apparently." Stacie said. "and its this Saturday."

A/N i was supposed to publish 3 new chapters before Christmas but i only write at night and i sleep like 98% of the day so yeah.

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