Christmas Special

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It was one snowy morning in the town of Storybrooke. The whole town was covered in snow, making the whole world seem white all around the town. Snow flakes was still sticking onto the ground as it continue to fall from the sky.

The bright light coming through the window of a bedroom woke Emma Jones up from her sleep. She was moving around a little bit, rubbing her eye as she was awakening up into the new day. She turns her head over, looking to see what time it was on her phone. As she was looking at the screen, she smiles big, realizing what today was.

It was December 25. Today was Christmas Day.

She quietly puts her phone back into the dresser and turns her head back around, looking at her husband, Killian Jones, sleeping quietly right in front of her. His deep breaths was letting Emma know that he was deeply asleep. She looks all around him, seeing his hair all over the place, making her giggle softly. She looks at him for another moment until Emma leans in and kisses his lips for a moment before pulling away.

Right after her lips was remove from his, he stirs and shut his eyes tightly. This made Emma smile big as he was slowly waking up.

Killian opens his eyes, looking directly at his wife that was in front of him. He smiles big at her, still looking at her with tired eyes.

"Look at you waking me up this morning." He whispers to her.

Emma giggles at him. "You know what today is sweetie." She whispers back with a smile on her face.

He smiles at her before he wraps his arms around her waist, bringing it closer to him. She lays her hand on his arm as the two were looking at each other deeply. The two were smiling at each other, never wanting to let each other go.

"Merry Christmas love." saids Killian.

"Merry Christmas to you too." Emma saids back to him.

Killian gently crash his lips onto Emma's lips. Emma moved her hand up to his cheek as the kiss continue. The kiss deepens as he gets on top of Emma. She was smiling big as the kiss continue. After a few moments of kissing, Killian pulls away slowly. Emma and him open their eyes at the same time, making Emma giggle at him.

"I love you Killian Jones." Emma saids to him.

Killian always feel his heart skipping a beat every time Emma confesses her love to him. It makes him feel joy of happiness all around him. He is completely in love with his wife every single day of his life.

"I love you too Emma Jones." He saids to her.

"Come on. Riley, Annabelle, and Liam are probably up already." She saids to him.

Emma and Killian pecks each other's lips as the two get up from the bed. The two walks hand in hand as they walk out of the room and into the living room, where they meet their three children.

15 year old Riley gets up from the couch and runs to both of her parents. She gives them both a tight hug, making the two parents hug their daughter with smiles on their faces.

"Merry Christmas mom and dad." She whispers to them. Her tone was filled with so much happiness in them it can make everyone's day.

"Merry Christmas to you too Riley." Emma saids.

Riley pulls away and smiles at both of her parents right before 5 year old Annabelle and 6 year old Liam runs to both of their parents and jumps on them.

Emma was carrying Liam while Killian was carrying Annabelle. The two children wrap their legs around their parents waist, hugging each other tight.

"Merry Christmas darling." Emma whispers to Liam's ear before kissing his head. Liam pulls away to look at his mother with a big smile on his face. "Merry Christmas mommy." He saids to her.

Annabelle and Killian did the same actions as what Liam and Emma did. A moment later, the two parents put their children down onto the ground.

"Can we open presents now?" Annabelle and Liam asked at the same time.

The two parents nods their head at their kids before the five starts opening gifts. The five was enjoying their morning as they see each other opening their gifts. Annabelle got Disney princess toys as Liam got pirate toys. The two love their presents so much it made the whole room light up.

Riley got clothes, shoes, a camera, a laptop and some makeup. Riley loves photography and this made her day getting a new camera from both of her parents.

As the kids were playing with their toys, Emma gets the gift under the tree and gives it to Killian. Killian does the same thing to Emma. The two were smiling at each other before the two unwrap their presents.

Killian got a new artistic kit since he became a fantastic artist after the events with him, Riley, Emma, Rumple and Neal six years ago. He loved being an artist. It makes him a whole different person when it comes to painting something. He can paint the beach right at his backyard or a picture of his family. It doesn't matter what he draws. It makes Emma and the rest of the family happy.

Emma got a beautiful diamond necklace from Killian. It had the five hearts. Two hearts was bigger than the three of the other hearts. All of them have different colors on them. This confused Emma.

"What does these mean Killian?" She asks him. She was looking at her husband with a confusing look.

"The two bigger hearts means me and you. We both are the parents of our children, which are the three smaller ones. The different colors represents our birth stone. This necklace means its our family Emma. You love us with all of your heart, I had to get you one of these for Christmas." He explains to her softly.

Emma felt tears pouring down her face softly as she looks at the necklace carefully. She looks back up at Killian with a teary smile on her face before she wraps her arms around his neck. Killian wraps his arms around Emma's waist as the two were embracing each other tightly.

"Thank you so much Killian." Emma sobs out, making Killian grin.

"Thank you for my present love." He whispers in her ear.

Emma nods her head in gratitude before the two pulls away. "Merry Christmas." The two said in unison, making them giggle. The two pecks each other lips before the two decides to get ready to spend the rest of Christmas day with Liam and his family, Mary, David and their kids, and Regina, Robin and their kids.

Merry Christmas from the Jones Family.

Here you go you guys! I wanted to make this a few hours ago and I did. I'm still alive, just been very quite busy so I'm trying everything I can to publish. But Merry Christmas to all of my followers and all of oncers out there. I hope you guys have an amazing holidays. ❤❤ :)

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