Chapter Thirteen

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"I want to know every detail from that date last night."

Emma, Mary, and Regina was at Emma's apartment that Saturday morning. All three of them were sitting on the couch in the living room. Mary and Regina both made Emma wake up at 9 o'clock in the morning so they can hear that date. Emma was wearing her blue striped pajama pants with a white tank top and her hair was sorta messy from her sleep.

Emma groans in frustration. "Why on earth did you girls went over here right now? I would love to sleep in some day. You guys could have waited and come later, like at evening so I can sleep all day."

"We want to know so bad. Please tell us Emma. Please." Mary saids with a high pitch voice.

She looks at the two for a moment before sighing in defeat. "Fine." She saids in frustration.

Mary squeals in excitement while Regina smiles big at her. Emma starts off her story.

"Killian took me to a cliff that wasn't far from this town. The view was beautiful. An ocean was in front of us and it look pretty. Anyways he made a picnic for the two of us. We ate, talk and look at the ocean before leaving the place."

"Did you guys do it?" Mary asks her.

Emma looks at Mary in confusion. "Did what?" She asks.

"Kiss. Did you and Killian kiss last night?" Regina asks her, the excitement filled her voice.

The kiss was in her mind again. She dreamed about it all night long and it killed her so much thinking about it. Every time she would think about it, a smile would grow on her face.

A smile was on Emma's face and she was looking down from the two girls. She felt her face a little bit more normal than usual as she was blushing. Mary and Regina sees this and knows what the answer was going to be.

"Yes we did." Emma saids lowly.

The two gasp in shock, then squeal in excitement. Mary was bouncing up and down on the couch a few more times before controlling herself.

"Really? Did you like it?" Mary asks her in excitement.

Emma looks at the two and giggles at them. "Yes I did. I thought he was a good kisser."

"Well that is so great for you Emma!" Regina yells out in excitement.

"Yeah. Sure it is." She saids lowly.

"Emma do you love Killian?" Mary asks her.

Emma looks straight at Mary, her smile faded away quickly. "No I don't love him." She saids with a serious tone.

"Emma I know you're lying to us. You are in love with him." Regina saids with a serious tone.

"I don't love him alright! Can you two shut up about it!" Emma snaps at them.

Mary and Regina looks at Emma in surprised a little. Emmy calms down immediately. Dang what is it with her and her attitude for the past couple days. She sighs and puts her hands on her forehead.

"I'm sorry I did that. I didn't tell you something about my date but I snapped at Killian just like I did to you guys. I'm sorry about that. I need to stop snapping at everyone." Emma explains softly.

Mary and Regina looks at each other before putting their hands on her shoulders. "When did this starts?" Regina asks her.

Emma removes her hands from her forehead and looks at the two girls. "Ever since Neal broke up with me. The whole reason why I do that is that if people start annoy me or say something stupid I snap at them. Neal has done that and I have snapped at him so many times. But now its addicting and it needs to stop." She explains her answer.

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