Chapter Twenty Four

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All that I'm going to say is be prepared. Cause this chapter has A LOT of angst. It even made my heart heavy. Enjoy!

It was an hour ever since Emma came into Killian's house and told him what happen between her and Neal earlier. She was sitting on Killian's couch. Killian was with her. His arm was wrapped around her waist. Her head was on his shoulder as they were watching TV. Their hands intertwined with each other's. Riley was sitting onto the floor, laying on her stomach, elbows resting on the floor, hands place on her face. There was silence from the three as they were watching TV.

"Killian. I'm heading home." Emma saids after another few moments of silence.

She let's go of Killian's grip and gets up from the couch. Riley turns her head as her and Killian watches her leave the leaving room. Killian gets up from the couch and walks over to the kitchen, seeing Emma grabbing her leather jacket and her keys that was on the counter.

Emma walks past Killian, but she stops when she feels his hand onto her arm. She turns her head, seeing Killian looking at her in worry.

"Emma, your not yourself today. Are you okay?" He asks her.

Emma nods her head. "I'm okay Killian. I'm just tired."

No I'm not okay!

"Swan, I don't want nothing bad happening to you. Are you sure you're going to be fine?" He asks, concern was in his tone.

"I'll be fine Killian. I'll call or text you if I need anything. I love you." She saids with a small smile on her face.

"I love you too." He tells her softly

He leans down and kisses Emma's cheek before letting go of his hand from her arm. Emma walks away from the kitchen and into the living room, seeing Riley staring at the TV.

"Riley I'll see you tomorrow." She saids as she was walking towards the front door.

Riley immediately looks up from the TV to Emma. She kinda had a sad look on her face. "You're not staying here longer?"

Emma shakes her head no slowly. "I'm very tired sweetie. I need some rest." She explains to her.

Riley immediately gets up and runs over to Emma. Emma bends down to her level and hugs her for a moment before pulling away.

"See you soon, okay?" She saids, smiling at her.

Riley nods her head. "Okay. Bye Emma."

Emma bends back up and smiles at Riley once more before leaving the house. Riley and Killian, who was leaning onto a wall, watches as she gets into her car and drives off the driveway.

"I'm worry about Emma daddy." Riley saids to her father.

Killian walks over to her and picks up his daughter. She lays her head onto his collarbone. Killian kisses his daughter's head.

"I'm worry about her as well." Killian saids softly as he was looking through the front glass door.


Emma's loud sobs was all across her home. She was sitting on her bed, hands covering her face. She was letting the tears pour down her face fast. Her crying was out of control. Her breathing was fast and she needed a lot of air in her body, but she didn't car.

All that she can think of is the memories that was haunting her. She didn't want to see them. Not at all. But ever since Neal came back, the memories are back in her mind.

One memory was with her parents. She was with her parents at their home one day. Her mother and her father was smiling down at her when she was a little girl. The parents were playing around with her, hearing her giggle as the two laugh along with her.

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