Chapter Twenty Two

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Emma and Killian woke up in each other's arms that morning. The two remember what happen that night and the two loved it so much. With Killian showing her how much she needed to be loved, she already knew the love with him was so strong. The two, especially Emma, smiles at the memory the two share the night before. The two wished to stay in bed all day, being in each other's arms all day. With no body around. Only the two in Killian's house, but Killian has stuff to do and it killed Emma.

It was early afternoon when Emma woke up from what her and Killian did early that morning. Emma can already smell pancakes around the house. She smiles as she opens her eyes, seeing that she was alone on the bed. Killian wasn't on the bed with her. She was about to get up from the bed, but she hears a voice in front of her.

"Don't get up Emma. I decided to bring breakfast to you instead of you going to get breakfast." Killian saids.

Emma looks up at Killian, seeing him in jeans and a white v-neck shirt. He was holding a tray with a plate of stack pancakes, a cup of syrup, glass of orange juice, small plate of butter, a small bowl of strawberries, and a fork.

"Awe Killian. You didn't have to do this for me." She saids in awe.

Killian chuckles. "Well love, I'm always a gentleman, and I want you to have breakfast in bed." He tells her with a grin on his face.

Emma smiles the whole time as he was putting the tray right beside of Emma. He looks up at her and smiles big at her. He leans in and kisses Emma gently. Emma happily smiles back as the kiss continue. Emma grabs Killian's hand and squeezes it tight. The two kiss for a while til Killian pulls away and looks down at his girlfriend.

"You look beautiful everyday. Even that smile can light up the day." He saids softly to Emma.

Emma smiles bigger at him before she pecks his lips. "Thank you so much Killian. For helping me fight against depression. You mean the whole world to me. I love you so much." She tells him softly.

Killian leans in and kisses Emma's forehead for a while. "I will always be there for you. I love you too, Swan."

Emma smiles at what he told her. Killian smiles back as the two kept staring at each other. After a moment, Killian moves his eyes away from her and onto the clock that was in front of him.

12:17 pm.

He sighs and looks back at Emma. "I need to go and get Riley. You need to get dress or Riley would ask a bunch of questions."

Emma nods. "I will. See you in a few moments."

Killian pecks her lips once more before leaving the room. Emma can hear the front door open and close in seconds. She gets up from the bed and puts on her clothes and puts her hair in a ponytail before getting back on the bed.

She eats her pancakes and her strawberries as she was waiting on her two favorite people to come back. She can't wait to see Riley. She misses her so much, even know it hasn't been a full day of not seeing her.

After about 10 minutes since Killian left the house, Emma gets up from the bed and picks up the tray from the bed. She walks out of the room and into the kitchen. She puts the tray onto the kitchen counter before walking back to the room. She gets back onto the bed and looks around the room. Mostly pictures of ships on seas or the beach. Emma chuckles at the sight. Killian really does love the sea.

Emma looks at the dresser beside of Killian's bed. She grabs the picture frame that was standing beside the clock and looks at it closely. She sees Killian and Milah holding each other close, with Killian holding Riley. All of them were smiling big to the camera. The ocean was the background of their picture.

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