Chapter Ten

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When Killian told Riley that Monday morning that Emma was going to take care of her everyday since he had to work a little later, Riley was very excited. She loved Emma so much if the two were away from each other, Riley would start crying sometimes. Killian can definitely tell Emma was taking care of Riley like it was her mother. That was why Killian loved Emma so much.

Yes, Killian loves Emma. Not liking her. He was so much in love with her. For the first time ever since Milah passed, Killian was in love with another woman. This girl had made him fall over heels with him. Her beauty kills him. Her smile. Her hair. Even her gorgeous green eyes kills him badly. Everything about her made him fall in love with her.

It was Wednesday afternoon and Killian was at the sheriff's office, doing his paperwork when he heard something put onto his desk. He looks up, seeing David and Robin came back from their lunch break. A big brown bag, filled with the smell of fries and cheeseburgers from Granny's, and a cup of water was put onto his desk.

"Here you go. You need a lunch break." Robin tells him.

Killian takes the bag and opens it up. He takes out a couple of fries and eats them. "Thank you." Killian saids.

Both David and Robin nods their heads as Killian starts taking out the cheeseburger and starts eating it.

"Killian who is taking care of Riley right when school is over?" David asks.

Killian swallows a piece of the burger before answering. "Emma is. I asked her and she said yes." He answers.

"Emma is taking care of Riley now?" Robin asks him.

Killian nods his head as he takes another bite. "Riley loves Emma to death. It is like Emma is Milah. Emma takes care of her and makes her happy everyday." He explains to them.

"You like her?" David asks.

Killian looks away from them. He sighs as he answers. "I don't like Emma. I love her."

Robin and David looks at each other then back at Killian. "I knew it." Robin saids lowly, but Killian heard him clearly.

Killian looks at Robin. "How in the world did you know I love her? I have never told you that I had a crush on her." Killian saids, a little annoyance in his tone.

"You didn't have to tell us. We already know you two are head over heals over each other." David explains.

Killian takes the fries out of the bag and eats a couple. "You don't even know if Emma likes me or not." He saids in annoyance.

"Pretty sure we all know Emma Swan is in love with Killian Jones. Besides I think you two make a good couple." David saids.

Killian glares at both David and Robin. David and Robin grins at him, making Killian rolls his eyes at them.

"Are you planning on asking her out?" Robin asks.

"No. Nope I am not going to ask her out." Killian immediately saids.

"Killian I know you can't do it because you miss Milah. Remember that Emma is not replacing Milah as Riley's mother. Riley can still miss her mom just like you can miss your wife, but you need a second chance to get another lover and Riley needs another person to take care of her. Just take that chance Killian. You love her very much so this can be a great opportunity. Don't forget about Milah but move on from her death Killian. Just try." David saids to him.

Killian hated to admit but every freaking word David just told him were all true. Killian feels afraid that Emma would replace Milah as Riley's mom, but he knew that ain't true for two reasons. One, Riley loves Emma to death and two he knew she ain't going to do that. Emma would never replace Milah, so Killian is stupidly thinking about that.

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