Chapter Eight

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"Why do you and this whole town want to know so freaking bad about Killian and I?"

Emma was at her apartment that night, talking to Mary on the phone. She was laying on her couch in the living room, her hand on her head and lays it there, her eyes closed in frustration. Literally Mary called her right when she got home from school and all that Mary and a few other people wants to know is about her and Killian. People were annoying so much it just made Emma wasnt to go over to that person and punch them in the face.

"I'm sorry Emma that I am annoying you, but Regina and I can see you and Killian as a couple." Mary explains to her.

"Mary I don't like Killian that way. Him and I are only friends. Besides I have just started seeing him this week. I am not dating nobody that I just met and you know that." Emma explains in annoyance.

Emma can hear Mary sigh on the other line. "I know. I just want to see you and Killian together. I mean Killian is just a nice guy. I have known him for a month and a half and you only know him this week. I'm sorry that I am rushing you Emma but I don't want you to be alone." Mary saids.

"I am not alone. I am fine with who I am with right now. You, Ruby, Regina and everybody else in town." Emma saids.

"Emma. You're literally are like Riley's mother. Regina and I see you taking care of her like it's your own. Does Riley even have a mom? I haven't seen her at all since her and Riley moved into town." Mary asks in concern.

"One, she is my student. I take care of her like it is my own. And not just her. I do that to every student in my class. You do that to Henry all the time. Two, Riley's mom passed a couple years ago. I told Killian I will always be there for his child if she needs comfort when he is not around." Emma explains in annoyance.

Mary sighs again on the other line. "You never told Regina and I that you're tutoring his daughter. Killian just told us today that you were and we didn't like it at first, but we got over it. How did tutoring go with Riley?"

"Pretty good. First day and Riley is getting there but struggling still." Emma answers.

There was some awkward silence between the two. It always makes Emma feel uncomfortable when there is silence between her and someone else.

Mary starts speaking, breaking the silence. "So.....about you and..."

"Mary will you please stop about Killian and I! I am very frustrated with that now. So can you please stop." Emma saids in anger.

"Okay okay Emma. Just calm down. I won't talk about you or Killian again. I promise." Mary said on the other line.

Emma chuckles at that, knowing immediately that was a lie. "Yeah I know that won't happen." She saids.

Emma can hear Mary chuckle through the phone, which made her eyes roll playfully. Then there was a boom sound in the phone, which made Emma's face turn from plain to concern.

"What was that?" Emma asked in concern.

"It's David. Home from work. I'm going to go ahead and go. Night Emma." Mary saids.

Emma smiled through the phone. "Night to you too." She said before hanging up the phone and puts it on the coffee table in front of her. She then yawns as she turns around and looks at the clock.

10:52 pm.

Emma decided to go to bed. Emma got up and turn off the living room lights. Then she went straight to bed quickly. She got under the bed sheets and the blanket and fell right asleep in seconds.


The bright lights caused Emma's eyes to squint, making her world awake for the day. Emma groans as she sits up on the bed. She puts her arms out in the air, stretching her body good before getting out of bed. Emma looks at the clock that was on her night dresser right beside the bed.
11:29 am.

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