Chapter Thirty One

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"We're here! We're at Boston!"

Robin's yell made Killian wide awake from his sleep. He opens his eyes and moves his head away from the window of his passenger seat. His neck was killing him. He has been asleep this whole trip go Boston because he didn't get enough sleep the night before he left Storybrooke. Had a nightmare about Emma getting killed by Rumple and Neal once he found her in Boston. He is hoping that this doesn't happen to Emma in real life.

Killian moved his head side to side to have less pain at the back of his neck. He looks out into the window and remembers every detail of the town. He's been in town for so long he remembers every detail.

"What are we doing first?" Robin asks.

David sighs as he keeps driving around the city. "We need to go to the police station to see if they can help us get to Rumple and Neal."

"Alright. You think they'll help us?" Robin asks.

"Of course Robin. They had both of them in county jail and they need Rumple cause he escaped from prison. Plus they need to know that they kidnapped a woman." David tells him.

Killian and Robin nods at this as the rest of the driving to the Boston Police Department. Robin was on his phone as Killian was looking out into the window, seeing all of the skyscrapers passing by him. All he can think about is that he is hoping Emma is okay and safe.

The car makes it to the police department in less than 10 minutes. After the car was put into complete stop and it was turned off, David, Killian, and Robin gets out of the car and starts walking to the station. When they got in there, they see a woman at the front desk looking at the computer.

The woman looks up at the men and smiles at them. "Hello. What can I do for you?" She asks them.

"We need to see a sheriff or the chief police. We need to talk to them." David answers to the woman.

"Alright. Let me get Chief Blaine and Sheriff Tuck for you guys." A woman tells them before getting up from her chair and walks away from them. The three just stands there, either looking at the ground or at each other.

A few minutes later, they see two officers walking up to them with a grin on their faces. Both were muscular. One guy was blonde headed, lighter skin and had green eyes and another guy with brown eyes and brown hair with little bit darker skin. The brown headed guy looks like he was in the 30s and the blonde headed guy looks like he was in his 40s.

"Hello. Who are you guys?" The blonde headed guy asks them.

"I'm David Nolan. Sheriff of a town called Storybrooke in Maine. These two beside me are Killian Jones and Robin Mills." David saids, pointing out Killian and Robin as he called out their names.

Killian and Robin smiles and nods at the two men as David introduce them. The two men walks up to them and starts shaking their hands.

"Well hello to you three. My name is Tyler Blaine, Chief Police of Boston." The blonde headed man tells the three.

"My name is Jason Tuck, Sheriff of Boston." The brown headed man tells them.

After they got done shaking each other's hand, Jason and Tyler looks at Killian, David and Robin. "What do you three need to talk to us about?" Jason asks them.

David looks at Killian and Robin for a moment til he looks back at the two men. "Well we need to talk to you about Rumple Gold and Neal Cassidy. Pretty sure you have heard of these two men." He tells them.

Jason and Tyler looks at each other in slight shock when they heard Rumple's name. "Come on. Let's go and talk about this in my office." Tyler tells the men. All five of them walks towards Tyler's office.

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