Chapter Twenty Six

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Emma, Killian, David, Regina, Robin, and Mary was all at the school in Emma's classroom. Regina decided to let the students go home with there parents since all of the chaos is starting to happen.

When they all got in there, they were all in total shock of what they saw. They saw some desks moved around because of some person, chairs being thrown around, paper being thrown around everywhere. Right behind of Emma's desk, there was a puddle of blood and a body lying dead on the floor.

Everybody was looking around the classroom as Robin and David was looking at the dead body on the floor. Regina and Mary walking around the classroom. Killian was looking out the window as Emma, who was holding Killian's hand tight as she was looking at the four people.

"Does someone clearly know what happen in this classroom?" David asks as he was looking at the body.

Regina looks back at David. "I know exactly what happen."

Killian and Emma turns their heads to look at Regina. Robin and David got back up from squatting on the floor and Mary looks at Regina.

"One of Emma's students told me exactly what they saw. They told me that a guy came into the classroom and immediately went to the sub. They said they saw the knife and stabbed the sub to death. All of the kids was screaming and some ran out to tell me. One kid stay behind along with Riley. The man kept moving chairs and desk as this student and Riley was running away from the men. He came up to Riley and punch her to the ground. She went unconscious immediately. What this student told me was that he pointed the knife at her and warn her not to tell anybody about it. She said she understood before she watches him carrying Riley and walking away from the classroom. I ask her what the guy look like and she told me that he was wearing all black. That's when I called David and Robin before calling Emma and Killian then released the kids after that." Regina explain to them.

Mary gasps as she covers her hands onto her mouth, Emma, David, and Robin looks at Regina in shock while Killian looks at the ground in anger. His breathing was fast, eyes glaring sharply onto the ground, and his hand clenched into a fist. Emma can feel him squeezing his hand tight on hers. She squeezes it in return.

"What are we going to do?" Mary asks in shock.

"We just need to find some clues in order to find Riley easier." David suggests.

"How are we going to find some clues?" Regina asks in a littler bit of anger.

Robin sighs as he walks over to Regina, putting his arm around her waist. "We need to find out who was wearing black." He saids.

Emma's mind was focusing on one and only one person she thinks that kidnaps Riley.

"Well most of the people that live in the town don't do hardly any crime. Who knows who could possibly kidnap Killian's daughter." Regina saids out loud.

"I think I know who kidnapped Riley." Emma saids out of nowhere.

Everybody immediately looks down at Emma, who was looking at the floor while she was speaking. Emma moves her eyes and turns her head, looking at Killian softly.

"I think Neal did it. Neal came back into the town to try and do something to hurt me or what. I don't know, but I know Neal could be involved with this." Emma saids.

"Are you sure love?" Killian asks her softly.

Emma nods her head and turns her head back go the group. "I am really sure that Neal took Riley."

David, who was holding Mary, nods his head at Emma. "Alright then. We need to find Neal and try getting Riley back." He suggests.

Everybody looks at each other, nodding their heads in agreement. When Emma looks at Killian, she can still see the anger in his eyes. She sighs as she looks away from him. She can't fix his anger now. His daughter has been kidnapped and he didn't like it one bit.

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