Chapter Thirty Three

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Finally after two days of being in the hospital, the doctors releases Emma from the hospital. She can finally go back home to Storybrooke where she can see her friends and of course Riley.

A few hours after they release Emma, David, Killian, Robin, and Emma were in the town of Storybrooke. Emma and Killian was sitting in the back, their hands intertwined. Emma's head was resting on Killian's shoulder as his cheek was resting on top of her head. Emma was asleep as Killian was looking out into the window.

David looks at Killian. "We're in Storybrooke." He tells him.

Killian nods his head as he slightly shakes Emma. "Love we're in Storybrooke." He whispers softly in her hair.

Emma moves her head up and opens her eyes. She looks around the car til her eyes was on Killian's. She smile sleepy at him.

"Great to hear. I can't wait to see Riley and everyone else in Storybrooke." She tells him.

"Same here." He tells her with a smile on his face.

When the car made it to Granny's diner, they already see Mary, Regina, Henry and Riley waiting for them. David and Robin gets out of the car and walks over to their couples. David kisses and hugs Mary as Robin hugs Henry tightly before kissing Regina.

Killian and Emma looks at each other before the two got out of the car. Riley sees Emma and her father immediately and runs towards them.

"Mommy! Daddy!" She screams out in excitement. Emma and Killian bends down and lets Riley wraps her arms around both of them. Their hug was tight but they don't care.

"I miss you both." Riley whispers to them, letting tears pour down her face.

Killian and Emma pulls away and looks at Riley with smiles on their faces. Emma was on the verge of crying her eyes out cause she missed Riley so much.

"We miss you too. Hey baby girl. Wanna hear good news?" Killian tells her.

Riley nods her head immediately.

Killian and Emma looks at each other before back at Riley. "Remember where you told us where you want a sibling?" He asks her.

Again, Riley nods her head quickly in response.

"What happens if your wish came true?" Killian asks her happily.

Riley gasps. "I'm going to be a big sister!?" She asks in shock.

Emma nods her head and smiles at her big. "Yes, you'll be an amazing big sister ever." She tells her.

Riley's excitement came over her again and she hugs Emma tightly. Emma stands back up, letting Riley's legs wrapped around her waist. Both of their eyes was closed. Killian stands back up and looks at the small group in front of them. The group was smiling as they watch the three reunite.
Riley and Emma was crying in happiness. "I Iove you so much baby girl." Emma whispers to her.

"I love you too mama." Riley whispers back.

"Come on Riley. Let Emma meet everyone else." Killian tells her.

Riley pulls away and goes into Killian's arms. Emma walks over to the group and starts hugging them.

"I'm glad we're reunited daddy." Riley tells Killian as the two were watching Emma reunite with her friends.

Killian smiles and looks at his daughter. "Yes I'm glad as well love."

Killian looks back at Emma. He is glad that they are reunite as a family.

| One year later |

Emma was at her therapy session that day. She was sitting onto a sofa, hands intertwined together, her hands intertwined together as they were resting on her thighs. She kept tapping her feet onto the floor, feeling her heart beat fast. Her stomach flipping everywhere. Her eyes are looking at the ground.

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