Chapter Sixteen

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Four Months Later.....

Spring just started coming into Storybrooke. Leaves that fell from the season of autumn last year are now starting to reborn into the world for the season. Warm weather came to the town as well. Flowers started growing around the town. The ocean still cold, but was getting warmer throughout the season.

One day in the month of March, the dismissal bell rang for the day. All the kids went out to the bus or to their parents' car as they were leaving the school for the day.

Riley was sitting at the bench close to the window, coloring a page from a coloring book while Emma was sitting at her desk, looking at her students' math work about shapes.

Emma kept looking at Riley most of the day. Riley hasn't been talking to her at all, and it was bothering Emma very much. Riley's eyes was down on the table, her expression leaving a frowning face while she was looking down.

Emma really wanted to know what was going on with Riley. She is like her daughter to her and she wants her child to be safe. She stops looking at her kids' papers and gets up from her desk. She walks over to Riley. She sees her finishing her coloring a page of Ariel from Little Mermaid.

Emma grabs a chair and sits in front of Riley's desk. Riley doesn't even look up at all, but she stops coloring. "Riley are you okay?" Emma asks her softly.

Riley still doesn't move her head or make a sound. Emma's expression started to concern and worry. Something is really bothering Riley. Emma grabs her hand and squeezes it. "Riley can you look at me?" She asks her.

Riley slowly moves her head and looks at Emma. Emma eyes widen a bit when she looks at her face. She looks very tired. Her eyes was swollen and red and her cheeks were red as well. It looks like Riley has been crying all day, and she didn't even notice it.

"Have you gotten any sleep?" She asks her in worry.

Riley shakes her head. "I can't." She simply answers.

Emma's eyes knitted in confusion. "How come?"

Riley didn't answers the question. Emma sighs. She needs to talk to her boyfriend when he gets off of work. "I'm going to let you sleep when we both go to my place, which is right now." She tells her.

Riley stops coloring and puts it in her book bag as Emma gets up from the chair, walks over to her table, gets her kids' papers and puts them in her bag. Riley had her jacket and her book bag on her body, waiting for Emma. She rubs her eyes, trying to wake herself up. Emma grabs her purse and looks at Riley.

"Let's go sweetie." She demanded softly.

Riley slowly walks over to Emma. Emma had a guilt look on her face as she sees Riley looking down on the floor. Her heart felt heavy a little bit when Riley slowly walks pass her. Emma turns off the classroom lights before closing her door. She puts the key in the doorknob, trying to get the door lock. She tested it after a few moments, finding it not budging. She walks away from the classroom.


It was three hours later after Emma brought Riley to her house. There was silence filling around the house ever since the two got to Emma's place. Complete silence. The house felt so empty its like it's haunted and nobody hasn't come to this place in years.

Riley was in Emma's room, sound asleep. Emma was still going back and forth to check if Riley was still asleep. Well Riley was asleep and hasn't even woke up at all. Emma was relief. She doesn't want Riley to wake up for a little while. She really needed her sleep.

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