Chapter forty<3

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Only 3 chapters left all written by me including this one <3

*Mia's POV* 

I had slept the whole night through yet again, it was becoming a habit. I love my sleep but I feel so lazy when I do sleep for a long time. I dragged myself out the bed and was on my way to the bathroom when I saw a girl of around my height and age. She looked sorta lost. I began to panic.  

"You've got to get out of here" I said to her.  

"What? Why?" She asked sleepily.  

"You're not allowed in here" I stated.  

"Come on I'll lead you out" I said directing her to the door. The boys had spoke of fans being sneaky and trying to get into their apartments but I never thought it'd happen.  

She began to wriggle. She was trying to get out of my tight grasp. I was stronger than her, much stronger.  

"Harry! Help, Hazza?" She yelped.  

*Harry's POV* 

I was awoke quite suddenly in a now empty bed to the shouts of my name. Why was she calling me? I told her not to wake me unless she really had to.  

I guess I had to go check out what all the fuss was. I pulled the covers off and picked up my undies off the floor pulling them up my legs. I walked slowly and sleepily into the room I heard the shouts from. There she was being fiercely dragged by Mia towards the door. 

"Eww Haz! That's disgusting" said Mia trying to cover her eyes.  

"Atleast I put pants on for you!" I replied making Mia cringe even more. I giggled.  

"Stacey what's up?" I said as an after thought.  

"This mad girl is trying to drag me out the apartment think her name is Maya or Mia, maybe!" She whined. 

"It's Mia" said a rather unimpressed Mia.  

"Why would she do that?" I asked completely confused. 

"I dunno, she just told me I had to get out then she started dragging me. Doesn't she know we had it last night? Didn't she hear?" She asked also confused. Mia jumped back at the mention of me having sex and let go of the girl almost immediately.  

"Oh I thought you were just some bimbo crazed fan sneaking into our apartment. I'm a heavy sleeper and did not need to know that!" Mia replied before I got a chance.  

"Oh cheers...cuz that makes me feel so much better...wait you share an apartment? That's a bit messed up isn't it?" Stacey asked unknowingly.  

"No the boys stay here too. Stacey, this is Louis' girlfriend and Mia, this my girlfriend!"  

"Your girlfriend?" Mia asked completely shocked.  

"Yes I am! Your with Louis, your so lucky he's like my favourite member but I had to put up with this instead" Stacey said putting on a disgusted face and laughing with Mia. 

"Hey!" I shouted in offence. 

"Oh no offence I mean" Stacey stated. 

"Too late!" I said pouting grumpily as Stacey smiled cheekily. 

"How about Harry goes and gets dressed then makes his girls some breakfast? I need to tell Stacey some embarrassing secrets about you" Mia teased.  

"Sounds good" Stacey answered. 

"'m sorry about earlier I didn't know who you were and you just sorta turned up in my apartment" Mia apologised sweetly. 

"No harm done it was just a misunderstanding. You've got quite some muscle on you there Mia" Stacey laughed.  

"Well lets just say I learnt a few tricks being around these lot" Mia giggled along with Stacey. 

They seemed to be getting on really well so I decided to slip away and get dressed like Mia had ordered. I trailed into the kitchen to see them two, still giggling away. I laid the food and equipment I was gonna use on the bench then sorted out the plates and cutlery.  

"Hazza?" Mia asked. 

"Yes..." I answered grumpily. 

"Do you remember that time when Liam dared you to do a lap dance on Louis and then kiss him and you made him moan?" Mia asked. 

"It was only yesterday Mia of course I remember and it was kinda fun" I answered less grumpily this time. 

"More fun than me?" Stacey pouted. I just winked in response she knew what I meant.  

"So...where are the rest of the boys and my boyfriend?" Mia asked looking awkward as i flirted with Stacey.  

"Recording! I said I'd come down later with you when you had both woke up." I replied continuing to make breakfast.  

"Ah right" Mia said continuing her conversation with my girlfriend. I had chose to keep her quiet from the boys and I only told Mia because I had to and I trusted Mia a lot, I just hoped she could keep this a secret.  

By the time breakfast had finished I think Mia had told Stacey every embarrassing fact about me. 

"Right that's enough embarrassing facts for now. Stacey shouldn't you be getting going?" I said after I'd had enough.  

"Yeah I guess so" Stacey said pouting.  

"I'll see you again soon, right Stacey? I will get your number from Haz and we can go shopping or get a coffee or something, right?" Mia asked making me nervous for some reason. Atleast if I was here with them I could hear what they were saying.  

"That would be great I'd love to" Stacey said happily as she gathered her things.  

On the way to the recording studios in my Mercedes, Mia asked me many questions about Stacey like how I had met her, where she's from, does she have siblings etc.  

"Mia..." I asked nervously. 

"Yes Harry!" Mia replied. 

"You can't tell the boys about Stacey!" I told her as we stopped at a set of red traffic lights.  

"What? Why? You haven't told them have you?" Mia asked. 

"No and I'd like to keep it that way for know. So can you please promise you won't?" I pretty much begged.  

"I promise I won't but you have to tell them soon or I will" Mia threatened as we parked outside the studio and made our way in side. 

"Thanks Mia" I said hugging her before walking into the booth where the boys were.

Starry are the new couple on the scene. What do you think of Starry? When will harry tell the boys? -alyse<3

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