Chapter fifteen<3

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AN: I wrote this chapter...would love to hear some of your thoughts<3

*Callum's POV* 

I decided after Louis' call that it would probably be a good idea to call Ellie back it had been over an hour now since I had said that I would call her back and I still hadn't.  

She obviously didn't want to sound desperate or whatever because she let it ring for an awful long time. Then came up with some lame excuse when she finally picked up the phone.  

'So about that movie tonight, what did you want to go see?' I asked her in the sweetest voice I could muster. 

'I was thinking maybe we could go see the host it's all about this...' I completely zoned out still thinking about Louis spending two weeks with my best friend Mia.

'What do you think?' She asked, I panicked a little as I had no idea what she had just said but I kept my cool and said.

'Sounds good, what time? Ill pick you up' I said trying to act like a gentleman. 

'Aww your such a gentleman. Is 8 ok?' She questioned. 

'Yeah I suppose so, see you then El' I said hanging up soon after finishing.  


*Mia's POV* 

I had no idea why Louis had wanted to talk to Callum personally. He had given me a pretty lame excuse but I just went along with it and gave him Callum's number. 

I thought that the easiest way to find out was to call Callum and ask. Of course he'd tell me he's my best friend right!  

I picked up my phone and dialled Callum's number. He took a few rings to pick up but he did eventually. 

'Hello' he said sounding a little tired.  

'Hi' I replied.  

'I heard you gave Louis my number' he said with a hint of anger.  

'Yeah, well he asked me to. He said he had to talk to you about something. Has he called you already? What did he say?' I asked waiting for his answer. 

'I don't want to talk about it Mia and it wasnt really about you' Callum replied like he was about to burst in anger.  

'Sorry I just wanted to know' I said as sweetly as I could trying to calm his mood.  

'Just drop it ok! I have a date later and was wondering if i could come round and film our next video and maybe drop your big news in,seen as we haven't filmed a video in a while' he said changing the subject. 

'Yeah I'm free now if you like' I said casually but a little annoyed he had changed the subject so fast.  

'Ok cool I'll be round soon' Callum said. 

'I'll be waiting' I said hanging up.  

I decided to make this video extra special because I hadn't posted one in a while and I probably wouldn't be posting many in the near future because of this trip to London.  

I took a shower and put my favourite summer dress on. Put a light bit of makeup on and heard Callum at the doorstep so rushed down to open the door for him.

AN: Here on the right is a picture from the movie The Host <3

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