Chapter One<3

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Authors note: all the odd numbered parts i.e. 1,3,5.. were written by me. All the even numbered parts i.e. 2,4,6... were written by Mary. Please enjoy this Fanfic and comment what you think...Your comments are much appreciated<3

I sighed as I tried to think of a song to cover on my YouTube channel, that was always the difficult part. I never knew what song to cover. Sometimes I'd get suggestions and sometimes I'd be left to think of a song right now!

I had started the YouTube channel 2years ago to try and get noticed by people who might get me signed or give me places to perform.  You've seen or heard of girls or boys maybe trying to do this right?

So far it wasn't really working. I have many views and subscribers but no record companies or celebrities had noticed me yet but I guess that's not surprising with the amount of people out there trying to make it in the music business.

I guess I just want to be one of the special people that gets noticed, gets their songs in the charts and on the radio, gets there face on TV and maybe one day that might happen to me but not at the moment. It's just a waiting game for me.   

All the comments I was getting made me feel so good inside, like that feeling you got when you managed to make your crush laugh, do you know what I mean? Or am I just being crazy? None of the comments were bad and none of them made me feel bad inside. I probably wouldn't be able to cope with the hate if I got any...I'm not very good at sticking up for myself and I hate to argue.  

I even get the odd comment from my friends in school, they were really supportive. The channel had made me a lot more popular around school. No one really knew me before the channel.

Although to be fair I never really spoke to them except my best friend Calum. Yeah he's a boy. Do you have a problem with that? No? Good because he couldn't be a better friend to me. If a person even so much as turned there face up at me, he would confront them about it.

He always had my back like an older brother which is super cool as I don't have a brother there for me, it's just me and mum, and dad when he's not away on business.  

He has never understood how special he is to me and the people closest to him. He has his faults but so does everyone. I'm not going to judge him on his faults, are you?

You would never have guessed but it was his idea to make this channel and always helped me with filming because he desperately wanted to become a photographer and film artist. I supported him in his dream by letting him film and he's super good at it too. Who better than my best-friend have I got to film?


Back to choosing a song. I had the perfect song but i was worried about it so asked my bestie Calum, of course. I messaged him on Facebook because I couldn't be bothered finding my phone and my laptop was closest. I said 'I have the perfect song...but I don't know if I can do the artists justice, help!?'.  

He messaged back almost immediately, he always did, 'Who's the artist?'  

You messaged back with two words which you knew he wouldn't like, he's not the biggest fan but then he is a boy, most of their fans are teenage girls like me. So here goes, 'One Direction' 

He took a little longer to reply this time but he finally said 'In the end it's up to you but I would go for it. Of course you'll do the artists justice, you are a great singer. But remember to check out other people's covers of the know, so you can make sure yours is more...unique. I will be over at the weekend to film it'. 

'Thanks Cal, your the best and thanks for reminding me. I will check out other people's cover of the song now!' I replied with a smile closing Facebook down and changing it to YouTube.


I looked through each video analysing what they did picking out and writing down what went well and what went badly. Although I never really got that many bad points, I'd never been much good at criticising people...I'd make an awful Judge on shows like The X Factor.  

I started deciding how I would film it but then decided that was Cal's choice, Of course! I sang the song through making sure I knew the words perfectly ready for Calum to be here at the weekend for filming, I'm so excited.  

I was definitely ready for filming by the end of the evening, I had gone through it that many times.

I was excited because I had never really done a song like this before. I always decided to do the songs everyone knew, you know the easy ones to cover like 'Payphone by Maroon 5' which everyone sings. So yeah as I was saying I'm pretty excited.


AN (Authors Note): How will filming go? Will she get the video she was hoping to put up? BTW there is a picture of the main character Mia on the right if you wanted to know what she looks like -alyse<3

The YouTube channel - (1d fanfic&lt;3)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant