Chapter Eight <3

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AN: This chapter was written by Mary. I hope you checked out her other stories like I recommended/asked you to do. She really is a great writer...much better than I. Anyways enjoy the chapter<3

~Callum's POV~ 

We talked until about midnight about anything and everything. I loved talking to Mia and she had told me that she loved how she could talk to me about anything.

Lately, though, it seemed like all she wanted to talk about was just doing the next video or the girl that I had a date with tomorrow night.

I would watch her every time she read the message from Louis, her face would light up and she would have a constant smile on her face as she replied to him.

I had no clue what it was, but something about another guy making her smile like that just didn't fit right with me. I didn't have romantic feelings towards her; I just wanted to be the best friend that she needed and always be there for her.

I didn't want to see her hurt and I certainly didn't want to see her fall for some boy-bander who had millions of other girls that he sees every day and he just breaks her heart. 

But I was her best friend and I would support her in all of her decisions. Besides, this was a huge opportunity for her. 

"He finally messaged back." She said and I looked over at her. It was close to midnight now and we were both laying in her bed, watching her newest video again.

It had almost over two thousand views already, mainly because Louis had tweeted out the link and told everyone: "Go watch the girl with the angel voice..." There were plenty of comments too, mostly saying how beautiful the cover was, or commenting on Mia's clothes which consisted of dark jeans and a light blue, long sleeve shirt. There was the occasional comment throwing out hate, but we just skipped over them.  

"What did he say?" I asked.  

"You won't believe it. He wants to know if we can meet in person." She looked up at me with that same smile on her face. I wasn't sure about that; I didn't want her to meet up with him and he just hurt her. Or not even show up at all. I was just being the friend.

"That's great." I said, faking a smile. She could never see through my façade. "When?" I asked. I wanted to be there when he showed up.  

"Tomorrow actually. That would be great because you'll be on your date and I can meet him. Then, if you want, after your date, you can come back here and we can talk again." She sounded excited about this.

I thought for a second, looking up at the ceiling. I wanted to be there, as a supporting friend, when she met him. I wanted to see what he was like in person and know for myself if he was good for her. But that didn't seem like it was going to happen.  

"Sounds great." I said and she turned back to her phone, after laying a kiss on my cheek. I watched her as she typed away on her phone for a couple more minutes and then she looked up at me. She didn't say anything, but she handed me her phone.  

I looked at the screen and realized that she was texting him now, not on Twitter anymore. Why didn't she tell me he had given her his number? I pushed that thought away and looked at the last message. It was from him.  

I think I might be falling for an angel. You are so beautiful love. Goodnight. 

I was her best friend and I had been since I could remember. So why did these words stab through my heart with each letter? I closed my eyes, knowing the truth that was inside of me.

I wouldn't let her know about it because this was her chance and I would support her no matter what. I was her best friend and that's what best friends did; they supported.  

They didn't fall in love with each other.

AN: I wasn't sure what picture to put up this time so decided to use some lyrics of a song that fit with the chapter <3

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