Chapter thirty <3

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Written by Mary....Hope you enjoy it as much as the rest of the chapters up to now!<3

*Lori's POV*

Getting through the security at a One Direction concert was probably harder than anything in the world; especially when you didn't have a pass or anything. I stood there, arguing with some older guy that Liam had told me to come backstage after the show. I felt as my blonde ponytail was pulled hard and I turned to look behind me. Some girl was trying to pull me back by my hair and it really hurt. I glared at her, trying to keep calm. These people were way too brutal and ruthless.  

"Ohmygosh! There they are!" I heard the girls around me start to scream and I looked back down the hall. Liam was walking towards us in the lead and I smiled at him. I caught his eyes and he smiled even wider. He had an amazing smile. I watched as he whispered something to the security guy and he flicked his eyes to me. The guy hesitated a moment, but then let me through. Liam led me back down the hall, as the other boys stayed to meet the fans.  

"I thought I told you to come back here." Liam said, nudging me with his shoulder.  

"I tried. But when you don't have a backstage pass, it's kind of hard." I said, looking over at him. He stopped and held a door open for me.  

*Liam's POV* 

I let her in my room and I watched her for a moment look around. I had already packed all my stuff up, even though we would be here again tomorrow. I wondered if she was going to come again.  

"So how did you like the concert?" I asked. She turned around and looked at me. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail and it was slightly curly. If it were down, I figured, it would be close to the middle of her back.  

"It was really fun. I love your music." She said, smiling. She walked over to the counter where a bowl of gummy bears sat and grabbed a handful. I just smiled as she started to make herself comfortable on the couch next to the counter. She had a confidence about her; not the cocky kind, but I could tell that she was comfortable with who she was.  

"What is your last name?" I asked, sitting beside her.  

"Guthrie." She said as she ate another bear. I nodded, not sure what else to say. I really liked her; she was very laid back. Lori Guthrie; the name was very nice.  

"You always seem like your deep in thought. Like even in pictures in magazines and such; you're always so serious." Lori said and I just smiled.  

"Being around these boys, sometimes I need to have an intelligent conversation. Myself is the only one I know." Lori laughed at that and I felt accomplished. I laughed with her, knowing that I was enjoying this a lot. I didn't really know her, but I could tell that she was different and special.  

*Lori's POV* 

"So, can you sing or anything?" Liam asked me. We had been sitting in his dressing room for a while now and the bowl of gummy bears had been split and devoured minutes ago.  

"I can't sing. I think I can sometimes, but I'm more of a drawer." I said.  

"Do you have anything online?" Liam asked. He had his laptop out on the table in front of us.  

"On Instagram mostly, but there's a page on Facebook that I've put a couple on. Want me to type it in?" I asked and he turned the keyboard towards me. I typed in my information and then went to the page once I was logged on. "Here they are." I said, clicking on an album dedicated to my drawings. They were of the boys; one of each and then a group one. Some included the little cartoons of them and then actual pictures.  

"These are amazing. You are incredible." Liam said and I was glad he wasn't looking at me. I knew I was blushing bad right now.  

There was a knock at the door before it opened and a panicked looking Niall came in. He looked a bit upset too, but I didn't get a chance to reflect on it before Niall started talking.  

"Liam, it's almost midnight. We need to get going." Niall said, looking between the two of us. He gave me a quick smile, but turned back to Liam. It took a moment for what he said to register."Oh my goodness. It's almost midnight? I have to get home; my mom is probably freaking out right now!" I said, standing up. I gathered my jacket in my hands and got out of the room as quick as I could.  

When I got home, after my mom yelled at me for being late and making her worry, I went to my room. I logged onto my laptop and got on my Facebook. I was planning on uploading another picture tonight, but I wasn't sure now because it was really late. I went to my profile and realized that there was a new status update.  

"Hey Cinderella, you left this up. I hope that we can meet again; you are amazing. I have an extra ticket if you'll agree to come tomorrow. -Liam" 

Wow, talk about awesome. Liam Payne from One Direction just hacked my Facebook account.

Who like LiLo number 2? They're getting cuter right?! - alyse<3

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