Chapter Thirty six<3

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Yet another chapter written by moi...I really hope you like the story! -alyse<3

*Louis' POV* 

I felt terrible the whole week my girlfriend had spent in hospital. 

I had tried to apologise and speak to her about what happened but every time I had she had been asleep or avoiding it. Her medication kinda knocked her out to be fair on the girl.  

We still came to visit. In fact we spent all the hours we could at the hospital never wanting to leave her. 

I was especially hard to make leave the hospital, most days Paul would have to drag me kicking and screaming with the help of Harry and Liam.  

I'd never forgive myself if I left her and something happened to her.  

Anyway she was being discharged from the hospital today. We could take her back to a hotel, I guess. We figured that would be better than the tour bus for now.  

We had tried to inform her mum of the situation but she was away according to the voicemail we got from the landline and she wasn't answering her mobile.  

Good job Mia wasn't seriously ill although she does still need to take it easy and take lots of meds.  

We even had to perform without her tonight and Saturday night which would be strange.  

I carried her carefully in my arms bridal style out of the hospital and into my awesome car.  

The boys had, had to go to rehearsals and sound checks but I had refused and told them I'd be with Mia if they needed me.  

"Do you want to go to Starbucks with me and get a coffee or would you prefer to go to the hotel?" I asked. 

"I'd prefer to go to the hotel and watch a movie in your arms if that's ok?" She said sweetly.  

"Certainly but you realise we still need to talk right, Mia?" I asked concerned that we hadn't yet.  

"I know we will but can we just relax first?" She said trying to dodge the subject like she had anytime I brought it up.  

"You say that every time, Mia. We are talking about this first thing tomorrow morning and you will not get out of it this time so don't even try," she just nodded with a nervous expression on her face.  

"So what film do you want to watch, Love?" I asked trying to lighten the tense mood.  

"I was thinking maybe titanic, you know the one with the boy called jack who looks suspiciously like you" she said giggling and I giggled along with her.  

"Sure why not!" I said agreeing to watch the film.  

Once we were back at the hotel, I asked her to set the film up whilst I got us some hot chocolate.  

I carried them in once I had finished the finishing touches of marshmallows onto the hot chocolates.  

I placed them on the small coffee table in front of the sofa. I lay myself across the sofa and pulled her into my chest as we started to watch the film tangled with each other.  

"I love this film" she spoke giddily as the first few minutes of the film played. 

"And I love you" I said cheesily kissing her cheek.  

"That's so cheesy but I love you hush, I want to watch this" she said watching the film with great concentration.  

"Your no fun" I said jokily pouting as I pulled her closer taking in her scent.  

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