Chapter thirty eight <3

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I wrote this, ask all the questions you like in the comments below I'd love to answer a few questions<3

*Harry's POV*  

There she was stood in the doorway. Mia walked in and sat beside Niall pretending she hadn't heard me and Niall bickering. We all knew she had. Niall gave me the glare so I returned the look.  

Thankfully Louis had saved us. He swanned in and pulled Mia along telling here they needed to talk, he looked pretty serious. Mia looked quite lighthearted and smiley about the situation, she even gave us a small wave in the process of being dragged out the room.  

I tried to laugh lightheartedly in response but ultimately seemed to fail and it came out as more of a choke.  

"Nice one mate!" Niall giggled at my fail attempt at a laugh. 

"She so heard our conversation earlier" I muttered to Niall. 

"And she totally pretended she didn't, she's so sneaky" Niall responded. 

"You got that right mate" I said looking worriedly at Niall. 

"No need to be so worried I bet she isn't even bothered" Niall said lightheartedly. 

"You've changed your tune, you were being a right downer before" I retaliated. 

"She and everyone else won't want to talk to us if we're being downers all the time. Stop ruining my mood!" Niall fought back. 

"I wasn't being a downer," I stated. 

"Was too" Niall shouted. 

"Was not" I said raising my voice angrily at him. 

"Was too" Niall repeated. 

"Was not" I repeated even louder this time. 

"Ok cool it boys I was trying to sleep" Liam walks in beaming. 

"Why are you so happy? You weren't sleeping don't even lie I know you! New girlfriend is it?" Niall asked nosily poking Liam in the ribs like a teenage girl.  

"Maybe" Liam said winking his smile not breaking for a second. 

Then in walks in Zayn drowsily rubbing his eye as if he'd just dragged himself from bed just minutes ago. 

"Yeah it's a new girlfriend I heard him flirting and giggling from my room" Zayn added smirking sleepily making Liam blush. 

"Ooh Liam's got a girlfriend! Liam's got a girlfriend!" Niall chanted childishly.  

"So what if I've got a girlfriend?" Liam said obviously embarrassed a faint blush creeping on to his cheeks.  

"What's her name? Is she hot?" I butted in cheekily. Niall was right no point in being a downer especially if there's hot women involved.  

"I'm not sure if i want to tell you that, Hazza. Can I trust you not to try steal my girl?" Liam asked seriously. 

"Yes I promise not to steal her. So what's her name? Is she hot? Where's she from? How old? How did you two meet? Been on any dates? Is she a fan? What does she look like?" I fired question after question. 

"Jesus! Harry slow down, one question at a time" Liam complained.  

"That's what you get for not trusting me" I said childishly poking my tongue out at him as I dished breakfast up for everyone.  

"Fine, I'm sorry for not trusting you, Hazza" Liam apologised.  

"Good now answer my questions, stop stalling!" I complained.  

He explained every last detail like a love sick puppy during valentines day, the stupid day that either people complain that they are lonely or there's those people who sit there saying how wonderful their other half is, waste of a day if you ask me. 

"Liam stop!" Zayn complained after a whole five minutes passed. His babbling about this girl had gotten very tedious.  

"Yeah shut up mate" Niall added with a long yawn.  

"I only asked basic questions, I didn't want to know every last detail about the girl, Li" I complained on top of their complaints.  

"Sorry boys, she's just so..." Liam was cut of by us. 

"Special to you. We know!" Zayn, Niall and I said simultaneously in very bored voices. 

"How did you kn..." Liam started. 

"You've only said it five times in the last ten minutes" Zayn said exaggerating his yawn. 

"Sorry boys, i will shut up now!" Liam said simply without another word about the girl which was a relieve.  

I had learnt more in the last five minutes about that girl than I had learnt about Liam who I have known and been with for the last 2 years now. 

In came Louis and Mia acting like little kids. They hadn't noticed us yet, they rarely did unless we interrupted them or tried to flirt with Mia when Louis was around.  

Louis began tickling her. She flailed and flopped about trying to escape his tickles and grasp on her. It was kind of cute really but I wish I could be Louis and tickle her she's so carefree and beautiful. 

When they looked up they froze as they saw us boys staring at them. They jumped up from the floor and brushed themselves off laughing nervously. No one said anything so I decided to break the silence.  

" is ready!" I announced awkwardly.  

"Yay!" Screamed Niall. 

"Eurgh, Niall no need to scream some of us aren't used to screaming at this time in the morning" Zayn complained grumpily. 

"Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed, mr grumpy pants!" Liam giggled cheekily. 

"No just awoken by a lovesick puppy talking to his new girlfriend" Zayn shot back.  

Liam just glared back. 

"Who's got the new girlfriend?" Louis piped up.  

"Nice of you to join us for once, Lou" I teased.  

"Just cuz your jelly, Haz" Louis winked, "so who is it?"  

"Liam!" We said in unison watching him blush yet again.  

"Aww he's blushing! What's the lucky girls name?" Mia asked. We all just groaned knowing we'd have to go through it all again. "Not again!" Zayn grumbled. 

"I only wanted to know her name?" Mia questioned. 

"Oh no you don't" we said trying to shut her up.  

"If you say that one more time I will kidnap you, tie you up and ship you too Antarctica" I threatened. She seemed almost frightened.  

"Maybe I don't want to know" Mia said nervously. 

"No you don't" I said smiling proudly. I ignored Louis' glare as we all continued eating the breakfast I'd made.

Ooohh Liam's blushing because of a girl isn't he adorable - alyse<3

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