Chapter twenty nine <3

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Written by me hope you enjoy...I'm posting as fast as I can I have now posted 9 chappies today <3

*Mia's POV* 

I heard the crowd scream like crazy as Louis walked on stage to stand beside me as i finished my last song for the night. I had noticed Callum was there with Ellie. I totally forgot he was planning on coming to see me.  

"Hey babe" Louis breathily whispered into my ear and i shuddered as his breath hit me gently and he took my hand which gradually made me relax. 

"Hello! We have a surprise for you guys, do you want to hear our surprise?" Louis said into my microphone to the crowd. He got a huge cheer in response. I looked to Louis and smiled nervously.  

"Do you want to tell them or should I?" He asked me quietly and away for the microphone. 

"You can" I said feeling anxious about Callum and the fans response. 

"Relax babe, they love you!" He said into my ear making me relax ever so slightly. 

"Mia and I are dating" Louis said full of pride and happiness, unlike me who was being a nervous wreck but I guess he is used to this.  

The crowd looked a little shocked like I expected I guess but then they did something totally unexpected and chanted "kiss, kiss, kiss!"  

I looked to Louis and half nodded as if to say it was fine with me. 

He pulled me in towards him and put his perfect lips to mine. This made the crowd erupt with screams. The stage curtain was pulled back a little as four heads pocked through which may be the reason for some of the screams. 

I, of course didn't care that much about what was going on around me. I was too busy kissing Louis Tomlinson, my boyfriend. Thats going to take some getting used to, I thought to myself smiling into the kiss.  

I continued to kiss Louis, it felt like a few seconds but I guess it wasn't because I soon heard the boys grunting and the crowd giggling. 

He soon pulled away and giggled with the audience then took my microphone again and shouted "right then, better get on with the show. You guys ready?" He got another cheer from the crowd in response.  

I looked to where Callum had been sat earlier. Ellie was still sat there but Callum was no where to be seen, that can't be good. 

Oh well, not much I can do about it now but I guess I should go after him or give him a call. He is my best friend after all.  

Once I'd done my bit on stage the boys took over and I ran off stage and started my hunt for Callum.  

*Liam's POV* 

The kiss Louis and Mia had shared on the stage only reminded me of how lonely I was. I keep telling myself I will find someone but each day passes and I still haven't found that girl. 

I was wrenched from my thoughts when I heard Zayn shouting "come on bro, we got a show to perform at you've got all night to talk to yourself in your head."  

"Oops sorry bro, lets go!" I said half giggling at Zayn's words. 

Our fans screamed the most deafening scream as we bounced on stage one by one.  

"Hey guys, how's it going?" I asked with the most enthusiasm possible and earning a scream in response.  

As the show went on, this one girl in the crowd really caught my eye. I kept singing to her subtly catching her eye as much as I could.  

The boys were bringing a few fans up on stage and questioning them to find out about them so I thought it would be a nice idea to bring her up on stage.  

I walked casually off the stage into the crowds of screaming fans trying to throw themselves at us with the boys and security.  

I sauntered over to her trying to act completely casual but my heart was beating out of my chest. I got through the crowds to stand right in front of her and took her delicate hands in mine. 

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked her.  

"Er Lori" she said mumbling nervously looking into my eyes. 

"Nice name, i guess you dont need to know my name but if you do its liam" i said with a little chuckle and a wink,"You having a good night?" I asked her trying to have a normal conversation with the girl. 

"Amazing thanks, what about you?" She asked seeming to get past her nervousness.  

"All the better for meeting you..." I was about to continue when I got interrupted by Louis. 

"Mate, stop chatting the girl up and get her up here" I glared at Louis for trying to embarrass me but lori who was blushing slightly just laughed it off. I turned back to her with her hands still in mine. 

"Will you come up on stage with me, Lori?" I ask hoping for a yes. 

"I'd love to Li" she said running with me through the crowds and giggling.  

"Finally!" Louis sighed as lori and I got back to main stage. 

"Louis just jealous he didn't see you first," I whispered to lori and she giggled.  

"You will come back stage with me later after the show won't you" I asked going serious again. 

"We'll see" she winked then giggled again, "if you want me to of course i will be there." She said going serious with me. Then we giggled together laughing at the awkwardness. 

Soon enough we had to carry on with the show and the fans that we'd brought on stage had to go back to their seats.  

I kept imagining what it would be like after the show backstage with Lori. Of course the boys would rib me about it but I couldn't wait to spend sometime with the beautiful girl who had a great and infectious laugh.

Who likes the relationship starting with Lori and Liam? Cute right?! -alyse<3

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