Chapter twenty eight <3

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Hope you love, love, love this chappy written by Mary <3

*Mia's POV* 

"I loved it." I said, hooking my arm with Louis. We were walking out of the building now. "That show was amazing. I love musicals."  

"I can tell by you singing to every song. You should do a musical, you know after this tour." Louis said and I shook my head. I may have performed in front of three huge crowds already, but I still got a little nervous. I don't think I would ever be able to be in a play and sing too.  

"I don't think so. I'll just stick to singing." I said, laughing. I leaned onto him just as I heard someone yelling. We both turned around and saw as a camera flashed. I immediately stepped away from Louis; we were still trying to keep it on the down low that we were an official couple. I guess I should have thought about it before I got so close to him.  

"Just keep walking." Louis said under his breath and I turned back around and picked up my pace. Luckily no one else spotted us, but I was sure that those pictures will be all over the internet in a couple hours if not sooner.  

He shut the door of the car we had rented and went to the driver side. We were buckled up and leaving the parking lot in under a minute. "I'm sorry." I heard him say and looked over. Why was he apologizing? 

"It's no big deal. I mean, they were going to find out eventually, right?" I asked and he took a minute to reply.  

"But still; I thought that we might have gotten a little longer before the entire world knew." He said and I nodded. I knew what he meant; we weren't going to have much privacy anymore.  

"Well, I'm glad that the world finally knows about us because it means that I don't have to pretend we're just friends anymore in public." I said with a smile. I usually stuck around Liam when we were in public, simply because it was still slightly awkward with the other boys. I had grown quite close to Liam over the past couple days since he had broken up the almost fight between Harry, Niall, and Zayn. He had told me that Louis and I were great together and he wanted to find a girl soon because he felt a bit left out and lonely. "How are we going to go official, like let everyone know for sure?" 

"I think that we should do it at tonight's concert. Like give them a little show." I shook my head at him. Of course he would be the one to think big. "Just don't worry about it; I got a plan." 

"Louis, the last time you told me that I ended up soaking wet in the middle of a fancy restaurant." I said, remembering when he had told me that he had a plan to make the night more fun. He had ended up spilling an entire glass of water on my lap and we got kicked out soon after. "I'm going to worry."  

"Well, I promise you won't get wet at least." He said, shooting me a quick look as we pulled up to the hotel we were staying in. While the bus was very nice, I couldn't stand to sleep in it another night. I had talked the boys into staying in a hotel room for at least two nights so I wouldn't be cranky.  

"Fine. Just don't embarrass me. I mean it." I shot him a warning look and he just smiled, causing me to smile too. I couldn't get mad at him, no matter what we did.  

*Liam's POV* 

We were getting ready for the show tonight and I could hear the crowd already chanting for us. Somehow that always calmed my nerves before we went on. Of course, Mia went on first and I could hear her now as she started to speak into the microphone.  

I finished getting my clothes on and I headed to where the other boys were getting their hair fixed. It still felt a little awkward when they had to put makeup on us, but I understood why. The lights would make us look like ghosts if we didn't.  

"There you are. Sit down and don't move." Lou said and I smiled at her. She always meant business when it was right before a concert.  

"Where's Louis?" I asked, looking around. All the other boys just shook their heads, but I saw as Lou tried to hide a smile. Louis was up to something. I'm sure we would find out-or maybe hear it-later. Knowing Louis, it was going to be something big.

Did you love, love, love that chappy? Comment and let us know -alyse<3

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