Chapter fourteen<3

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AN: Written by Mary...I hope you enjoy this as much as the last chapters<3

*Calum's POV*

My phone started ringing and I looked at the screen. I didn't recognize the number and it wasn't anyone from my contacts. I almost let it go to voicemail, but I figured I should answer it anyways.  


"Is this Calum?" I heard some guy's voice on the other line.  

"Yes. Who is this?" I pushed my chair back from the table and walked into the kitchen.  

"This is Louis." He said and I nodded my head. Of course it was; I knew that the voice had sounded familiar. "The one your friend Mia went out with the other day?"  

"Yeah, I know who you are." No need to rub it in my face, I thought to myself. "Why are you calling me, if I may ask. And how did you get my number?" 

"I actually just got off the phone with Mia; she gave it to me. I had a question and favor to ask you and I don't mean to come across sounding rude." He stopped and after a moment I spoke up. 

"What favor?" I asked. I didn't mean to sound rude to him, but I had just been thinking about Ellie and Mia and what I should do. I had told Mia that I liked her and then I had hung up on her.

Ellie had called me this morning and asked if I had wanted to go out with her to a movie tonight, but I had told her that I would call her back. That had been almost an hour ago.  

"Mia is an amazing girl and she is super talented. I had gotten the idea, and already got it cleared with everyone else, that she should come with us to our next couple shows and be our support act, where she'll sing on stage before we actually come on." I didn't know what to say.

This was Mia's dream and while I wasn't too fond of her and Louis being able to spend even more time together, I wasn't going to stop her from her dream. What kind of friend would I be then if I said I didn't want her to go just because of some guy?  

"That's great." I said shortly. I didn't really know what else to say. The more I thought about it, I realized that it meant she would be leaving me for however long it would be. 

"She asked if you could come along." He said and I stopped my arm midway reaching into the cabinet. She had asked if I could come with her? Why? 

"Why?" I voiced my thoughts.  

"I don't know, but that's why I'm calling. I don't mean to sound rude because you are her friend and all that." I cringed slightly at his use of the word friend. I knew he didn't mean anything by it; I just didn't like that word much anymore.

"But I was wondering if there was any way that it could be just her. I mean, if you want to come, that's fine, but I asked her to come partly because I wanted to be able to spend more time with her and get to know her better. She has such an incredible voice." 

"That she does. And how long is this trip, tour thing?" I asked. I finally got around to pouring a glass of water and now I walked toward my room. I didn't think anyone else was home yet, so I decided to just watch TV. Yeah, I was such a wild teenage boy. 

"It will be about two weeks. We have a show at the O2 and then three other ones after that, scattered around London." He said, sounding like he had rehearsed it over and over again. "I wouldn't ask this if I didn't really like her. I don't know what it is about her, but she is absolutely amazing and I really think that we have something more." 

"Yeah, she is pretty amazing." I said and plopped down onto my bed. I was going to watch some TV and try not to think about Mia and Louis spending two weeks together every day and every night.  

"So, could you do me this one favor? I promise that if she ever comes on a tour with us again, you can come to. And for anything else we do. But I just want a chance to get to know her better." I was surprised to hear him actually begging me. I debated this; this entire situation rested on my answer. If I said no and I went along with them, I would make Mia happy, but I would be miserable with seeing her and Louis together all the time. And it would be awkward. 

If I said no and I went along with them, I would make Mia happy, but I would be miserable with seeing her and Louis together all the time. And it would be awkward. If I said no and stayed here, I would be constantly wondering what they were doing and I would be bored, especially since it was break next week. I sighed, knowing what the better choice would be.  

"Fine. But I swear if you hurt her, there will no longer be five of you. You understand?" I asked. I had no idea where that came from, but I didn't want to think about him hurting Mia and me not being around. I wasn't normally a violent person, but when it came to Mia I would do anything.  

"You have my word. Thank you so much. I know this is probably a little weird for you, but just know that I would never break her heart or hurt her in any way." 

"Good to hear." I said and after a moment of silence on the other end, I hung up. It was time to forget about this whole thing for a while.

AN: The picture for this chapter is a picture of Louis on the phone to Calum<3

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