Chapter 17 (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Hell nawl why the fuck did y'all break up do u want me to go and beat that nigga ass cuz ain't nobody fixing to hurt my best friend, man I fixing to go and kill this nigga, let me get me glock."

This girl done went in her closet and this bitch done pull out her gun.

I started laughing my fucking ass off

"Nawl Makayla u ain't even much got to do that I'm good girl."

"Zariah no u ain't I know you, you is my best friend you look hurt."

"I guess u do know me, but I'll be fine."

"No u want, why did y'all break up in the first place cuz I know it got to be a reason."

"Well Mookie came over and brought me a package which was a video of her and Tre having sex, it had the date on there like they did is last night, he cheated on me girl."

"Damn bit thats fuck up that he would do some shit like that, and especially with that hoe, her nasty body ass. But Zariah before u go and jump to conclusions u need to hear him out cuz u know they use to date along time ago and that video could have been made along time ago and she could have change the date or something like that."

Makayla was telling me the truth now I feel bad for breaking up with Tre. But a girl got needs when we see stuff like our man cheating for insisting we believe it and we don't think about asking questions.

"Well thanks Makayla, I think that me and Tre should talk but that doesn't mean I'm gone take him back like that cuz what if he did cheat."

"Yea boo you right cuz if he did cheat then u need to tear his ass up, but if he didn't cheat y'all need to talk it out, cuz y'all cute or whatever."

"Awe thanks Makayla and Thats why u is my best friend now cuz your ass is crazy and u is always there for me."

"Awe best friend I'm gone always be here for u no matter what, now come and give me a hug and make sure u call Tre toma cuz I'm sure that nigga miss u."

"Yea he probably do."

I went and gave Makayla a hug and she hugged me back. Then I left her house and was headed back to my house. I just made it to the house. I went in my room and got in the shower for about 30 mins. I step out the shower with my towel wrap around my waist. I put my panties on and lotion my body. Then I put my tank top and boy shorts on. I climbed into bed and was looking through my photos. I have a lot of pictures of Tre and I in my phone. I was looking at our pictures and we was looking cute. I started crying because I miss Tre. It haven't even been a whole 24 hours yet and I miss him. I don't think I can live without Tre. My Heart is broken without him. I just cried myself to sleep.

Tre pov
I was In my bed listing to music on my phone. I had my iPhone connected to my Bluetooth, so the music was playing on my speaker. I was listening to K Camp blessing. Boy Zariah was a blessing to me. The way Zariah walks she got it The way Zariah talk she got it. The way Zariah smile she got it. Because Zariah don't take no shit from nobody. Dam Zariah you're a blessing. My ass up here remixing the song. Boy, boy, boy, how can a thug like me be in my feelings. I was just listening to my music when someone started banging on the door. Man I wonder who the fuck this is getting me out of my feelings and shit. I made my way to the door and unlocked it. It was my nigga Drew when I opened up the door l. I dapped him up then he came in the house and made his way to the living room and I followed behind him and he sat down on the couch and I sat on the couch also.

"So what brings you by."

"Well I was over Makayla house and tell me why I over heard Zariah say u cheated on her, like what the fuck bruh why would u do that, u know Zariah is like a baby sis to me."

"Well first off nigga I didn't cheat on her why would I do some shit like that. That video that Mookie had has gots to be old cuz I don't even remember us having sex, that video seem fishy to me."

"Dam bruh I didn't know it was Mookie, her saggy tittie ass, i heard that bitch was crazy,
If y'all did have sex it could have been a old ass video."

"Yea that what I was trying to tell Zariah but she didn't want to listen."

"Now u no girls ain't gone listen to us when they know we done cheated."

"Yea bruh u right, but something don't seem right with that video."

"Yea u kinda right tho it really don't seem right."

"The only thing I can remember last night was that when y'all left I got dizzy and that's all I remember from there."

"Hell ain't no telling Mookie ugly ass probably did something when she came up in the vip section and started talking to you."

"Yea but I'm not gone jump to conclusion cuz she probably didn't, trust me that bitch ain't that crazy."

"Yea u right but I'm fixing to go back to Makayla house."

"Ight man."

I dapped drew up then he left. I went back in my room and starting listening to music. I guess I got to listen to music all night instead of talking on the phone with my girl. Boy I sure do miss Zariah.

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