chapter 16

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I waited quietly by my bush explaining what had happened.
"Wo wo wo wo woah, you mean the daughter of Neptune and the one thing stopping them from helping is this whole time was your mother. The exact person we want to be looking for." Song was surprised
"Your mom Didn't look like she belonged to a herd like this" eagle remarked.
I started getting mad at how mean the were being. "She was so I from the storm she have birth and then swam in freezing cold water and slept while she was freezing and got majorly sick I told you this."
Both of them looked at me suprised that I had gone off on them. We waited in silence for gent, Neptune, and crow to get back with the others that were needed for the search.
By the time they had returned from all the herds that had spread out as a way to train their prizes for the compation that was in a few months It was dark and to late to find any one. The tracker though explained how their was a cave nearby and we could make it the seven miles in the dark across the flat safe land. There ended up being sixteen different horses going on the trip me, gent, Neptune, crow, the red pony alka, the Shetland queila, Song, eagle, three clysdales, two shires, Arizona, and then two mountain ponys.
We walked all bunched up following Arizona who was our tracker to the cave that was still four miles away. The two shires were standing quard on both sides of him and the clysdales were bunched up along the back of the herd and the mountain ponys trailed the sides. The two ponys chatted with each other about pointless things Nd Neptune and gent pondered over what the reason for taking aqualy was and how aquayla had ended up sick when she had never been sick befire and finnaly where she was now. I trotted up to crow I figured since he was my father I should probably get to know him better. Like why were we paint colored if we were pure bred Arabian.
" how are you" My dad looked at me as I came up beside him.
"I'm good just wandering since I found out you are my dad how we are paints and pure bred arabian and I'm way more paint than you are" I flicked my ears toward him.
" those are good questions but for now you should concentrate on looking for your mother and helping your friends find their parents as well. Some day we can all sit down and go over all of us and you will know every thing about me and your mom and yourself." he hardly looked at me and just kept his gaze trained on Arizona as he sniffed the air. We trotted in silence only a mile and a half from the sheltered cave. I glanced over not turning my head to find my dad staring at me. I held back the instinct to turn my head and look at him fully. My head twitched and dad looked away quickly. I held My head straight and saw him turn back to look at me. We arrived at the cave and I fell asleep listening to my dads very light snores.

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