Chapter 3

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I woke to the gentle rays of the early sun flashing on my face. I Slowly blinked open my eyes to see my mother slowly munching on the grass the Sun rising on her other side. She had lynars white undershirt wrapped around her neck and every once in awhile she would toss her head up and hold it pointed toward the whisps of clouds. It took some effort for me to get on my feet but once I was up I trotted steadily over to my mom. She looked up at me and shook her head playfully the pain flashing through her eyes for a second before she bucked playfully and cantered off keeping her head level as she ran. I chased her around for a while before lynar came over with the halter slipping it on and being careful not to touch her neck.
"Time to calm down and rest" lynar said. I stood there as he reached his hand out slowly toward my nose I breathed in and out in and out his hand was right in front of my nose in and with the release of breath I reared slightly giving a playful high pitched whinny before running the other direction my short stubby tail and mane flowing out the best they could behind me. Lynar looked suprised but began to laugh when I bucked in small circles around him and my mom. I didn't know why but I didn't want lynar to touch me. I trusted him he wasn't bad it was just I wasn't like my mom two legs were not my best friends.
Once I stopped bucking and lynar stopped laughing he grabbed my moms halter but did not use the lead rope as he had done the night we had been washed ashore. We walked into the trees heading deeper into the forest and higher up the hill's that lined the shore all the while the lynar was talking about how the Indians could come back and this time would take all of us. When he went into another rant of shooting the best horse ever
I blocked him out. I turned my head slightly and looked at shader and shashi who were talking quietly about the different adventures They had had on land and sea. Making sure they didnt notice I stepped sideways in front of a tree and circled around it as they passed. I walked behind them with a lot of distance in between. When they still hadn't noticed I was gone or that I was behind them I decided to make more noise. I caught up to them and jumped into a Bush right behind them shader shied jumping into shashi who jumped away right through a smaller tree which came back up and slapped shader on the rump causing him to jump back towards me. He stood still listening he turned and looked at the bush I was now underneath he lowered his head slightly muscles tense waiting for anything. I jumped up "gotch ya" I neighed as loud as I could running to catch up to my mom. " you are just like your mother" the both of them looked at me with scolding yet humourous eyes as I peered out from the front of my mom.
We had walked on for what seemed like the whole day I was so tired and I couldn't take another step or so I thought. I was ready to sleep for years when we stopped at the bottom of a hill. There was a clear stream that ran right through the deer trail we were following. Lynar insisted we go of to the side of the trail to hide in case the Indians were hunting and came down this trail. We drank from the stream. The water was ice cold and delicious the grass while not in the warmth of the Sun was tasty as well and we finshed the last four hours of the day munching in the grass and drinking from the stream.

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