chapter 7

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Hawke pov

I had the fury of a stallion in me i would protect my herd and avenge my mom I chased after song and eagle running so fast I thought my little heart would burst. I could smell my friends scent of fear as I chased them down I almost didn't sense the change in the air though and barely realized they had turned in an attempt to through off the dogs. Skidding as I turned I leaped over the little creek and hauled myself up the small hill.
"EAGLE!!!!!!" song yelled as one dog chased her brother straight to the edge of the ravine. Eagle realized what was happening and turned sharply know headed straight toward the dog. Song slipped in the mudand a tree branch fell on her pinning her to the ground the gray dog raced foward and bit her left hind leg. Eagle saw the gray dog and raced around his red colored one at the same time that I turned toward song. We reached her at the same time. Screaming at eagle to help song out from under the tree branch I turned and reared up at the dog. The red one took one look and then ran the other direction but the gray one had tasted blood and was not going to give up easily he dashed foward clawing and biting at the exposed underside of my belly. I brought my front hooves down to the ground and the dog dashed past my back hooves following my instinct I kicked backward. I caught the dog just as he had turned and Sen him flying through the air slaming into a tree near the edge of the ravine. I snorted and lowered my head when the dog stood up weakly I took a step foward and pawed the ground the dog jumped toward me and I jumped and struck out with my hoof missing him by a couple of inches the dog jumped backward to avoid my hoof and his back paws slipped over the edge of the ravine he struggled for a couple of second before the fury he was clawing at cascaded over the edge and took him to the bottom of the ravine.
I stood there looking at the dead dog a couple hundred feet below and for some reason I felt bad I hadn't wanted to kill him but I had wanted him to leave us alone. I felt like I hadn't even done the fighting it had. It was like I had zoned out and watched everything happen.
"Hawke??" Eagle and song were standing behind me "do you want to come with us or stay here" song said lighly addina little laugh to try to lighten my mood.
"I'll come with you guys I found a good cave this morning before I found you guys, we can head there for the night" I dropped my head to the ground and began to trot toward the cave. I know I had sounded like we were going to sleep on the cave but I felt trapped when I couldn't see the stars even if the trees were to thick to see the stars I would sleep as high up on the hill's as i could get. We reached the cave and the settled down I climbed up on the side of the cave and closed my eyes listening to the sounds of the night.

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