The Flying Books Parade

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I take two books to work with me. I don't touch either of them. They come back home with me. I used to label them as "the books that take a ride in my bag and come back home" in Girls' Own Book Club on Facebook. Then I started carrying them in my arms instead of in my bag, and putting them on the desk where we put our bags, out for everyone to see. The main reason was that carrying them in the bag every day made them wear easily.

One of the books is a textbook. The other book changes. Nowadays it is some non fiction book. Last week it was Dr. Muhammad Arifi's "Enjoy Your Life". This week it is Sean Covey's "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers". A few weeks ago it was an Islamic Texts Society book from their Ghazali series.

The last book, the Islamic Texts Society one, isn't mine. I borrowed it from someone, but I still took it to work with me. When one of my coworkers picked it up and flipped through it, my heart flipped along with the pages. I exchanged the book for the sturdier hardcover "Enjoy Your Life" which belonged to me. I wouldn't have to worry about it getting worn.

"What a nice book", "such a nice book", said my colleagues, and I could wholeheartedly smile along with them because the book was mine and therefore, no worries. It ended up going home with one of them. She's returning it this week.

The next book, the Seven Habits one, I took to work today. I think by now I have established that I don't mind people looking at, touching or reading my left-out-in-the-open books, so when I happened to glance at a book in someone's hand, and peered closely to make out the title, and found out that it was my very own "Seven Habits", I could genuinely smile and let it go. Well, not the book, I mean. I brought the book home with me today. I already let one copy of it go when my brother took it with him to college. This one, I plan on keeping for myself.

Good books have a way of flying off my bookshelves. I keep getting them whenever I see them in the stores, and then I just pass them on. I'm greedy for goodness, and one of the ways to get it is to spread it, and what better way can there be than through a book?

Which book would you buy extra copies of, in order to give away?

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