Eid, Eidi, Eidest

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You know how there are three days of Eid? I think this year, there were three "first" days of Eid all over the globe. Nothing wrong with that, though. Not to spark debate, but I'm team "local moon sighting". That means, when you see the moon, you celebrate Eid. Simple.

Anyway, Eid prayer was pretty standard. Children wailed throughout the prayer. What differentiated Eid prayer in the States from Eid prayer in Pakistan was the fact that the women's section was noisy enough to drown the voice of the Imam during the khutbah. Also, that there was food served after the prayer.

Some determined aunties tried to hush the women and girls who were busy talk-talk-talking, but the talkers were even more determined than the determined aunties, so the talkers won. I would have liked to have been able to identify when the dua (supplication) began, though. I caught a verse from the Quran at the end of Surah Baqarah and realized that it was a dua, so I raised my hands in supplication. That was rather pathetic, I must say.

As far as my Eidi (money present on Eid) is concerned, I treated myself to a new member of the gadget family (new to me, not to the market [we usually buy a couple of generations older than the current one; that's how we roll]) and Baba treated me to twenty dollars in the Kindle Store. He thinks I'm still thinking about which ones to get, whereas in reality I went and snapped up the top ebooks in my wish list faster than greased lightning (if greased lightning had access to the Kindle ebook store, that is).

That reminds me, I have yet to ask for Eidi from Mama. I might ask for Eidi from my brother, but the thing is, he got me a "just because" gift and I didn't, so I guess I owe him Eidi.

The funny thing? When we told my maternal grandmother that we were coming to the States, she said that we didn't tell her in time for her to make us the annual Eid dresses she always gets for us. I guess we lost track...

How was/is your Eid? Highs, lows, mediums, nothings?

By the way, check out Maniac Muslim's Eid article. It's funny!

Go to www.maniacmuslim.com and search for "Eid". Or just read anything on there. He is one funny and relevant satire writer. Note: SATIRE.

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