Return to desi land

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In a week's time I will be going back to Pakistan for blah reasons. Well, real reasons but I feel blah about it so that's what I called it.

Not that I don't like going to Pakistan, oh no. It's just that I don't like leaving Baba behind here in America. It's fun having the family together, you know. All this scattering over the globe for the sake of higher education gets old real fast. Insha Allah, one day the family will be reunited for good. Then we can have a proper family lifestyle rather than waiting for holidays to be together.

In the meantime, it's a week of packing, packing, packing and a weekend of traveling, traveling, traveling. I'll be spending the whole weekend traveling. I really need your supplications, people! For traveling, for my education AND for everything else! May Allah bless us all.

In other news, Infinite Ink is #12 in Non Fiction! Isn't that awesome? I don't usually ask this but if you really like reading Infinite Ink, I request you to share a link to it on Facebook/Twitter/the medium of your choice. This is the link:

(I've posted the link in the comments, too, so that it shows up hyperlinked there.)

Anyway, enough about me, tell me, what's up on your side?

Infinite InkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz